Jim: Roundtable time. Participating our roundtable are The Third Estate Sunday Review's Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava, and me, Jim; Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude; Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man; C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review; Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills); Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix; Mike of Mikey Likes It!; Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz); Ruth of Ruth's Report; Trina of Trina's Kitchen; Wally of The Daily Jot; Marcia of SICKOFITRDLZ; Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends; Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub. Betty's kids did the
illustration. You are reading a rush transcript.

Fatty Patty Tara Reade got even more
disgusting. The bitter and obese "defector" -- her term -- to Russia
can't stop showing us she really was.
no longer need to believe her that she was assaulted by Joe Biden. It
was her word against his. I was fine supporting her based on how she
self-presented. Turns out, she lied about everything. Everything.
Fatty Patty claimed she was a liberal and she was left and she was a
Democrat and she cared about preventing assault of women and this and
But Fatty Patty took
off to Russia -- where she should stay -- and she now reTweets convicted
pedophile and registered sex offender Scott Ritter. And it just gets
worse for her. She reTweets repugnant people like Marjorie Taylor
Greene. And now? Libs of Tick Tock. I don't think she can go back to
her hometown in California now even if she wanted to. That's really the
last straw.
Let's also not forget the many White nationalists she is forever reTweeting.
She's garbage. Human filth. And she lied about all of this.
So why should anyone believe her about being assaulted by Joe Biden.
It was her word against his.
And I believed her. But now she's shown her true nature.
not how someone assaulted behaves. They may be hurt and lash out but
they don't start embracing racists and homophobes. That's not a
response to being assaulted.
It is the sign of someone who lied all along.
(Con't): By the way, I asked her to post that. She told me what she'd
written and was going to post when we were done here and I told her if
she'd post it right now, we could do a roundtable and use that as the
starting point.
I think Trina makes some strong points. It was always Tara Reade's
word against Joe Biden about whether or not anything happened. We have
to make a judgment based on character. And, at the time, I was fine
with going against Goliath and siding with whom I perceived was David.
I was as well but let's remember that we had to do a leap of faith even
then. Her mother's phone call to CNN on Larry King's show? It did not
say that she had been assaulted. It only spoke of an unpleasant work
experience. I do believe that was her mother, by the way. I know some
people do not. But her mother did not say her daughter was raped or
Kat: It's also
true that her stories -- her self-recounting were all over the place.
That doesn't mean she wasn't assaulted. That does mean it's something
else to factor in. She said he sniffed her or something, then he
pressured her, then he assaulted her, it kept changing. Like her
weight, her story back then was in a constant state of flux.
Her ex-husband, who does not like her, did vouch for her and I weighted
that -- it was one of the main reasons I believed her.
But we also had people stating that she had called them and asked them
to say that she had told them Joe assaulted her when he hadn't.
For me, the first step away was her embrace of Scott Ritter. If you
are assaulted, you do not reTweet and platform and praise a convicted
pedophile, a registered sex offender. That was it for me. She either
wasn't assaulted or she's one sorry sick f**k. Either way, she hugs a
child molester, she's not anyone I stand with.
I would absolutely agree with that. And I have been raped. I've
written about it at my site. Many times, I've written about it. She's a
drama queen. She claims this was so traumatic. I don't believe her
that it happened. She's not helping anyone. That's what stood out for
me. She claims she was raped -- by Joe's finger, that's not minimizing
but that is to clear it up because the rape is another change in her
story and some people may wrongly think we're saying -- I'm saying --
that Joe inserted his penis. No, she's claiming he tried to penetrate
her with his finger. Again, I was raped. You won't catch me fluffing
for any registered sex offender. Equally true, Caleb Maupin is accused
-- and I believe his accusers -- yet Tara keeps reTweeting him as
well. I was in therapy -- including group therapy -- after I was raped
for three years. And no one I ever encountered, not one survivor, would
have used their platform to promote convicted -- and in Caleb's case,
admitted -- assaulters, abusers, rapists, what have you. I'm left with
the reality that she's a fat girl who just wanted attention.
She is so fat. And that worked against her because people think rape
is about attraction. So they'd look at her -- and she's a whale -- and
they'd think she couldn't have been raped. But she could have, even at
her current size and, of course, in the 90s, she was a little thinner.
A little. What does it for me is she was an extra in LA BAMBA. One
film, an extra. Yet, she bills herself as an actress? That's not an
actress. So I'm left with the reality that her "acting" that she wants
credit for is the scam she pulled on American when she pretended she was
a victim of assault.
Ava: I
would agree with acting. When C.I. and I read her book, as we noted in
our review, it didn't add up. She may be creating the whole thing or
she may be inflating one aspect but the book makes clear that the story
is not what happened. That could be a result of trauma. I'll leave
that to others to decide. But the story she put on paper is
Rebecca: And suspect. I think Trina's correct. Could it have happened? Yeah. But.
But why should we believe her? And now, many years after she told --
or finally told -- what she says happened, there's no reason to believe
her. The reality is that she is a disgusting person and she can only
blame that on herself. She's a liar, she's a fake. I withdraw all
support for her and any belief in her story. I don't support
homophobes. I don't support racists. I hope she's happy with her gang
because no one else is going to take her back. And let me add that when
African-Americans like Margaret Kimberley defend her or reTweet her,
they look like idiots.
Agreed. Margaret Kimberley had that dollar store weave that she's
finally gotten rid of. But as embarrassing as that way, it was nothing
to when Margaret was hissing online: Stop calling her a defector!
That's the word she used, Margaret Kimberley, buy a damn clue.
I think Tara Reade is a grifter. If you look at the people she's
surrounded herself with -- Sabby Sabs, for example -- they're grifters
Jim: Good points, all. This is a rush transcript. Thank you to Ava and C.I. who took notes and who will also be typing this.