Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Media: The Idiot Wants To Run (and Ruin) The Village

What Nancy Reagan once feared has come true.  Stupidity and lack of education is destroying the Republican Party.   Nancy, read Peggy Noonan's WHAT I SAW AT THE REVOLUTION, knew the great unwashed stupid that was glomming onto the GOP with their anti-choice positions and their stunted minds starved of education were the party's downfall.  MAGA wasn't the term yet but she could see the ignorant mob advancing.  Now maybe she was particularly insightful, maybe it was just common sense or maybe it was information passed on to her by Joan Quigley or Jeane Dixon or some other psychic advisor Nancy frequently collaborated with.

Regardless, what she saw is the reality of today's MAGA Republican Party.

Everything is a moment for MAGA to brag to the world,  "I am stupid and I am uneducated."

The opening ceremony of the Olympics.  They always go for arty.  France went for Greek mythology. 

And MAGA exploded. 


 Leigh Tauss reports:

Fringe religious conservatives melted down Friday night over the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics, decrying the spectacle as “Satantic.”

The phase “mocking god” trended on social media following the opening ceremonies, which included drag performers and a singing — beheaded — Marie Antoinette.

“BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS” wrote @online_shogun along with a short clip showing drag queens in colorful costumes at the ceremony. “This filth is a slap in the face of all Christians. I reject this from every fiber of my being. You Moloch worshipping scum, you are mocking God, and for this you will be punished. As long as faithful people are here to reject f--otry and blasphemy, God.”

[. . .]

“This isn't about Jesus or Christianity. It's an homage to the Greek mythology of dionysus. You are aware that the Olympics are from ancient Greece?” replied @FrenchGirlColo. “No one is mocking God but you are all making it easier to mock Christians who don't understand what they are seeing.”

Long before Leonardo da Vinci painted THE LAST SUPPER, there were many other artists who took a swipe at the terrain.  But Leonardo is the one that MAGA has latched onto.  Rather strange that the latching took place last week at the same time as JD Skidmarks Vance was in the news for calling childless people (as well as those who adopted and those with step-children) "cat ladies."  Donald Trump's running mate is aware that da Vinci fathered no children, right?  And he is aware that Leonardo was accused of of having had sex with male prostitute and model Jacopo Saltarelli (he was the model for a painting of Jesus Christ)  on April 9, 1476 and again on June 7, 1476, right?

Giovanni Bellini, Dosso Dossi  and Titian painted FEAST OF THE GODS (above) -- that is what the opening ceremony was recreating.  From WIKIPEDIA:

Based on a narrative by Ovid,[5] it is the earliest of a cycle of paintings, all major works, on mythological subjects produced for Alfonso, I d'Este, the Duke of Ferrara, for his camerino d'alabastro ('chamber of alabaster') in the Castello Estense, Ferrara. The subjects had been chosen by 1511, by the Renaissance humanist Mario Equicola, then working for the Duke's sister Isabella d'Este, and instructions apparently including some sketches were sent to the artists.[6] Later commissions were four large Titians (one now lost), and ten smaller works by Dosso Dossi, probably placed above them.[7] The three surviving Titians painted for the room are Bacchus and Ariadne (National Gallery, London), The Bacchanal of the Andrians and The Worship of Venus (both Prado, Madrid).[8]

All the MAGA whiners did was confess to how uneducated and uninformed they were.  And not just uneducated and uninformed about the world of art.  They also confessed to how uneducated and stupid they were about the Bible itself.  The last supper?  As Whoopi Goldberg noted this morning on THE VIEW, "There are too many people in the picture for it to be the twelve disciples and then the seven or eight other people who are in the picture."  But when did facts ever register with MAGA home of US House Rep Marjorie Taylor Green of whom Chelsea Handler once noted, "This woman thought 9/11 was a hoax, that the Clintons killed JFK Jr. and that Jews are in charge of space lasers.  But please, don't come at her with some crazy ideas -- she might believe them."

And if you think MAGA heads were exploding when they got confused over THE LAST SUPPER, they'll be reaching for the vapors when they read the news Jim Buzinski (OUTSPORTS) reports:

There are 191 out gay, lesbian, bi, trans, queer and nonbinary athletes competing at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, a record. This includes more men than ever.

Outsports has revised its tally from the original 144 out LGBTQ athletes we posted on July 17. In the last 12 days, we have gotten submissions from many readers and several journalists, which allowed us to verify 47 more out athletes and update the list.

“Happy to join the team!” Team USA women’s rugby player Kristi Kirshe wrote Outsports when we reached out to her on social media about being added to the list.

Facts did not register with MAGA.  Facts never do. Kip Jones (MEDIAITE) notes:

Thomas Jolly, the ceremony’s artistic director, told the French media on Sunday that he was not mocking anyone but merely putting on a “celebration of Greek mythology.”

“There is Dionysus who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the God of celebration in Greek mythology,” Jolly told BFMTV, according to an interpretation from NBC News. “The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus. You will never find in me a desire to mock and denigrate anyone.”

MAGA soiled itself as it whined and cried and it was joined by other idiots. The laughable CSPIRE (available in Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee) pulled it's 'big money' (chump change) and advertising as a result of being stupid and uninformed.  THE NEW YORK POST clutched its pearls and stupidity to insist this was an attempt to "denigrate Western culture."  Like MAGA, idiots don't know the first thing about culture.  Second, France is the West as is Greece where the Olympics hail from.  


As MAGA exploded, please register that they appeared to be looking the other way at a country allowing a pedophile to participate.  Mike noted this development Saturday.  Sunday, Barry Svrluga (WASHINGTON POST) reported:

Let’s get to the most important part first. Somewhere in Milton Keynes, England — or maybe in some remote corner of the globe, should she be seeking an escape — there is a woman in her early 20s who has lived for a decade with a vile, unspeakable crime against her. She was 12 years old. She met a Dutch man online. He flew to meet her. And he raped her.

No amount of punishment to her assailant — not the four years he was sentenced to, and certainly not the 13 months he served — can change that. What thoughts must she wake with every day? Let’s hope they’re serene, happy, forward-looking. But who’s to say?

The focus at the Paris Olympics is on the rapist. He is Steven van de Velde, and he is here representing the Netherlands in beach volleyball — in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, in a stunning setting that blends the thumping bass of modern sport with the sky-scraping ode to the French Revolution — because Dutch Olympic officials made a choice.
He had done his time, they said. He was remorseful, they said. He earned the spot, they said.

Asked about the optics of appearing to be protecting a child rapist, John van Vliet, a spokesman for the Dutch team, said, “We are protecting a convicted child rapist to do his sport as best as possible, and for a tournament which he qualified for.”

Read those words again, if you can.

“We are protecting a convicted child rapist to do his sport as best as possible.”

MAGA flaunted their ignorance of art and of Christ but they were suddenly reticent when it came to a pedophile.  Yeah, that tracks.  Marjorie Taylor Greene had pedophile promoter Milo Yiannopoulos as her Congressional intern -- well, we don't know that she 'had' him, we have no idea who she was sleeping with besides her husband back then -- and she's never apologized for that.

Facts and reality don't matter to MAGA.  They live forever in denial.  He's just like them! -- they tell themselves.  Really?  They've been divorced three times as well?

This ignorance is why they embrace Donald Trump.  An educated mind hears Donald call Kamala Harris a "bum" and proclaim that she's the most unsuccessful vice president in the United States ever and immediately grasps that Kamala's running to be the next president.  That's the dream of every vice president.  She's achieved the dream so how is she unsuccessful?  

And "bum"?  It's Donald, not Kamala, who has filed for bankruptcy six times.


But MAGA lies to themselves and insists Donald's a success.
They are divorced from reality and their brains are starved from a lack of education.  The damage that they have already done is enormous and it needs to stop there.  You don't let the idiot lead the village.
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