Ana Kasparian is a hateful person. She doesn't need to be associated with JACOBIN.
We don't normally call for people to be fired but please note that she already has income from THE YOUNG TURKS.
That's one of the reasons she should never have been hired. The point of 'independent' media should be to create new voices.
There are plenty of people -- including people of color -- that JACOBIN could toss a program to. They didn't need to go circle the toilet bowl that is THE YOUNG TURKS.
She is harming their brand.
She used the show JACOBIN gave her to, this past weekend, call out Katie Halper and Briahna Joy Gray. This is what JACOBIN stands for? This is why they do a weekend program? So that some hateful hag can screech and yell about people who she thinks should have defended her?
This is the purpose of JACOBIN?
Strange, this appears to be the actual mission statement: "Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture."
That's not what Ana offers and it's certainly not what she offered this past Saturday.
Her tantrums are well known. It's time she was shown the door before she further degrades JACOBIN.
, on her Jacobin show, calls out & for standing idly by during ’s insane rant on the FTV organizing call and asks them both if they think she’s paid by NATO & if they think is just a corporate shill.