Green Party US Retweeted
This is a very well-researched and thorough analysis of the candidates and ballot initiatives for November 2019. Happy reading! #SF #SFElections #Vote
Green Party US Retweeted
Trans and non-binary people belong in workplaces.
Trans and non-binary people belong in schools.
Trans and non-binary people belong in sports.
Trans and non-binary people belong in restrooms.
Trans and non-binary people belong EVERYWHERE.
Green Party US Retweeted
Maybe this is indicative that the Dem Party, even its "left flank", isn't as progressive as you think it is. Maybe it's time for an independent, truly leftist party? (Hint: check out @GreenPartyUS's platform including #EcoSocialist #GreenNewDeal -- you'll find good stuff)
Green Party US Retweeted
Thanks to all the folks who came out tonight to hear the @mdgreens and the @baltimoregreens present a framework for a Maryland Green New Deal. This is but one step in a long process of building and organizing, but it was a great step!
The Green Pages
The Newspaper of the Green Party of the United States