There appears to be a layer of fear that protects Beyoncé from
criticism despite her blatant exploitation of the bourgeoning movement.
Many are hesitant due to her perceived social identity. Her status as a
Black woman does not mean she is for the liberation of Black women. Just
because her music is marketed and packaged to black people does not
mean she is working in solidarity for radical change. Under capitalism,
the masses are merely consumers to the vast majority of these corporate
artists. Profit is their motivation. It is important to be critical of
all corporate artists who attempt to co-opt the movement. How else can
we move to a higher level of struggle and demand that icons and leaders
uphold the ideology and practice of the movement?
If Beyoncé’s embrace of patriarchy is deemed feminist and her lust
for money a model for Black liberation then we are in serious trouble.
Her target audience, young Black people, will internalize these
principles as the correct path to social transformation. The revolution
will not be televised, but the corporate media will certainly make it
into a product. The courageous actions of thousands of Black people
across the country have forced the corporate media to react. Thinking
positively about this development is one thing, thinking critical about
it another.
-- Reggie E, "How the Corporate Media Uses Beyoncé to Co-opt the Black Radical Movement" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).