Chances are the same useless nominees will be nominated.
Clair Danes will give the same wooden performance and be nominated, for example.
Here are our picks for five deserving nominees.
Taraji P. Henson (EMPIRE)
As Cookie, Taraji Henson frequently carries the whole show on her shoulders.
Some episodes find Viola playing the lead character, some find her lost in the ensemble.
Jennifer Lopez (SHADES OF BLUE)
With this series, Lopez has reminded everyone of her skill and talent.
Priyanka Chopra (QUANTICO)
One of the few hits of fall 2015 has been carried by Chopra.
Jaime Lee Curtis (SCREAM QUEENS)
We're not crazy about the show but Jamie Lee Curtis has delivered a strong performance.
And the winner is . . .

Taraji Henson. When we argued last year that she should have won, many e-mailers wanted to disagree.
This month alone, she's won The Golden Globe and The NAACP Image Award for her portrayal of Cookie. Still want to argue with us?
Taraji deserves the Emmy. End of story.
With attention to the lack of African-Americans nominated for acting Academy Awards this year, we're doing a series noting the lack of diversity for the Emmys. In terms of African-Americans, only Isabel Sanford (THE JEFFERSONS) has won a Lead Actress in a Comedy Series Emmy (and only won once) and only Jackee has won for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series Emmy (and only won once). In the meantime, hagged out no-talents like Cynthia Nixon have won Comedy Emmys despite the fact that all they can really offer is watered down drama portrayals. Our previous efforts were "Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series ..." and "Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series (Ava and C.I.)."