Debbie Wasserman Schultz, above from Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Dirty Debbie," has been one disaster after another.
Last week, things got even worse for the greasy haired head of the Democratic National Committee and, for a change, it didn't involve her attempting to charge her wardrobe bills to the Democratic Party. Patricia Mazzei (Miami Herald) explains:
U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston denied a Politico story that her office had offered to drop her opposition to a medical-pot ballot initiative if Orlando lawyer John Morgan stopped bashing the congresswoman in the press as an obstructionist. Morgan then produced text messages and emails, also reported by Politico, indicating that a Wasserman Schultz staffer had discussed a deal of some sort with a go-between political consultant.
Despite the e-mail evidence, Debbie told Ken Thomas (AP), "It's outrageous to suggest that I would ever cut a deal."
While Debbie issued her unbelievable denials, John Morgan had his own response to the attempts to silence him, "We don't negotiate with prohibitionists. Or bullies."
Is Debbie a bully?
Many would say yes.
Many would point out how she's always willing to slash and burn.
And some would point to what conservative Ben Shapiro's zoomed in on at Truth Revolt:
A report issued by Politico Friday stated that Democratic National Chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) had plans in 2013 to accuse President Obama of being anti-Semitic and anti-woman when she felt her position as chairwoman was coming into question.
Associates of Wasserman Schultz revealed that she had lined up supporters to back her claims against Obama after she sensed the president might replace her. The report goes on to say that when she wasn't replaced, she took that as a sign of "renewed strength" from Obama.
Dirty Debbie needs to get her house in order. And also wash that greasy hair.