Monday, November 03, 2014

Top 20 Stevie Nicks' epics

Whether recording with  Fleetwood Mac or solo, Stevie Nicks has written one classic after another.

More than classics, they are often epics.

As Kat noted in her review of Stevie's new album 24 Karat Gold: Songs From The Vault, "Few song writers produce epics the way Stevie does. She's not writing story songs, she's writing films."

With that in mind, here are our picks for Stevie's twenty greatest epics.

1) "Sara"

2) "Beauty & The Beast"

3) "Edge of 17"

4) "Belladonna"

5) "The Dealer"

6) "Wild Heart"

7) "Juliet"

8) "Rhiannon"

9) "Wide Sargasso Sea"

10) "Lady"

11) "Landslide"

12) "One More Big Time Rock and Roll Star"

13) "Sisters of the Moon"

14) "Violet and Blue"

15) "Gypsy"

16) "Welcome to the Room . . . Sara"

17) "Mabel Normand"

18) "Hard Advice"

19) "Thrown Down"

20) "Moonlight (A Vampire's Dream)"

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