Iraq was a resource war, specifically an oil war. Your efforts to re-use the same crap you offered in 2003 and 2004 means no new crap has to be produced. And are you aware of just how bad crap is for the environment? Did you not read Frances Moore Lappe's Diet for a Small Planet? All the cow patties cattle produce are like enough to burn their own hole in the ozone. So, for the love of all that is holy, please re-use your old crap, don't create new crap.
Although Democrats could have stopped the war on Iraq before it started by any number of means -- including impeachment -- remember to pin all the blame on Bully Boy Bush. Sheeple aren't too smart. Blaming Bully Boy Bush and Democrats might confuse some of the sheeple whose veal like minds have been steadily fed a steady diet of MSNBC. Just act like it's 2005.

Although then-Senator Barack Obama never met an Iaq War funding measure he couldn't dry hump, be sure not to mention that. Part of his gloss and sheen derives from the lie that he opposed the Iraq War.
In fact, don't mention Barack Obama at all. It's better that way. Iraq's become a real tragedy and better not to link him and Iraq because we don't want voters to hold him responsible for his actions: Like backing Nouri al-Maliki for a second term even though Nouri came in second in the 2010 elecitons.
Elections? If you're writing for a newspaper or general interest magazine or website, maybe mention the purple fingers and a gneral statement about democracy -- don't define it, don't nail it down. Let it be as free floating as "change" was in 2008.
Refusing to nail things down means you won't have any errors. Facts and figures should always be avoided for that reason. If there's a fact to share, chances are you can quote old Joe from the General Hardware Store downtown or some other character who can provide local color. If not, don't quote it.
If you're writing for The Nation or The Progressive, skip elections and focus on Saddam Hussein being gone. Don't give him a title (unless you're comfortable with "dictator") and follow Colin Powell's lead and strip him of his last name so that he's just "Saddam." (If you're going to deliver your commentary on TV, radio or streaming online, be sure to say it "Sodom" -- just like Colin Powell does. It really gets a message across.)
Whatever you do, do not mention actual Iraqis. After all we in the US have been through, the last thing we need to do is note any Iraqis because haven't we done enough already? Where is the gratitude? In fact "Where Is The Gratitude?" would be a great topic if you're writing a column on Iraq for The Weekly Standard.
If you follow the above advice, you'll have a column that's read, praised and linked to by all the people who make it a point to avoid covering Iraq these days -- in other words, approximately 99% of the working press today.
We would label this article "parody" but, sadly, it is how the Iraq commentary is going.