Iraq Body Count tabulates 472 deaths from violence in Iraq last month. The war has not ended.
The reporting has.
Reuters claims 237 deaths. AFP goes a wee bit higher with 282.
They're both about 200 off but hey what's 200 or so dead people, right?
It's just Iraqis and the press has made so very damn clear that Iraqis don't matter.
Fred Kaplan and other assholes made it clear when they pimped Brett McGurk to be the US Ambassador to Iraq based on what their buddy Brett The Sex Addict wanted. What was best for Iraqi people -- especially Iraqi women -- never entered their White-Anglo minds.
Reuters and AFP worked from "official figures" -- government figures. And they padded it out with the few days they managed to cover violence in iraq.
No one does a daily count of violence any more. That stopped long, long ago. Reuters' "Factbox" of security developments in Iraq no longer exists. And they don't even bother to report on violence every day. Or all the violence when they do manage to mention it. They especially mention any death that doesn't fall into their binary, simplistic Shi'ite - Sunni equation. So the Yazdi male corpse that was dumped last week never made it onto their radar.
200 deaths missing from their count. Do we need to send them some Sesame Street videos so they can work on their basic math skills?
There may be some improvement in the Iraq coverage int he coming weeks. The good news is Serena Chaudhry, the 'reporter' for Reuters, is leaving Iraq. Her conflicts of interest should have prevented her from ever being assigned to Iraq in the first place. She did more 'working of' other journalists than she did actual journalism but then that was to be expected considering her conflicts of interest.
472 deaths and not only do the wire services fail to count correctly, they also refuse to note the IBC count.