"War as distraction" -- most requested highlight of the week.
"Iraq snapshot" and "Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. reports on two House Veterans Affairs hearings.
"Ruth's Report" -- Ruth did one of her radio reports noting the nonsense NPR offered on War Criminal Colin Powell.
"Kat's Korner: There's nothing cheap about being ripped off" -- Kat's latest album review.
"More Pasta Salad in the Kitchen" -- Trina on the economy and offering a new recipe.
"Look who he needs now" -- Betty notes the ironic twist of fate.
"A comeback for that one?" and "Con Artists Stick
Together" -- Ruth on John Edwards.
"Dawn" -- Kat weighs in on a Barbie competitor.
"And the night time soaps . .
.," "Damn Jules (Cougar
Town)," "Cecile" and "666 Park
Avenue" -- Marica, Ruth and Betty cover TV.
"media whore kelly mcevers," "Public radio?," "Syria" -- Rebecca, Ruth and Elaine cover radio joining Ann:
"Watch your own kid" -- Marcia
"Public transportation" and "More on public transportation" -- Stan reports on public transportation.
"Nut up and apologize, you little candy ass" and "THIS JUST IN! HE'S A COWARD AND DUMB ASS!" and "He still won't apologize" and "THIS JUST IN! STILL NO APOLOGY!" and "Barry Punk Ass won't apologize to Poland" -- Cedric, Wally and Mike take on the Prissy Prez.
"Screw Bloomberg" -- Elaine on the ridiculous Bloomberg.
"The Second Coming of Martha
Coakley" -- Mike on the Warren v. Brown race.
And Memorial Day was a holiday but the following went up:
- Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The One-on-One...
- Another member of Iraqiya arrested and tortured
- Blair gets called a War Criminal, BBC gets caught ...
- Ruth's Report
- Kat's Korner: There's nothing cheap about being ri...
- Congress and Veterans (TESR)
"Barack doesn't win the vet vote"
"Memorial Day,"