The back of the package proclaims:
Hey, you. Yes, you. Lover of anything piled high with bacon, melted cheese, and sour cream. Seeker of the most outrageous loaded potato skin, your dream of legendary flavor is now a reality. Mouth -- meet RUFFLES Loaded Bacon and Cheddar Potato Skins flavored chips. Now that your mouth is full, it's time to find a way to hide these awesome chips from your freeloading roommate. Hide them under the bills -- he'll never look there.
Maybe he -- or she -- will, maybe not.
But will you eat the things?
We bought a lunch bag size, 2 and 7/8 ounces. And one of us found it so disgusting she (Dona) tossed it half-way in. The rest of us continued eating in a "Is it really this bad? It can't be this bad. Maybe the next bite will be better?" kind of way.
It never got better
Cheddar and bacon would probably be a good flavor. But this isn't working. The chives have a more pronounced taste than the bacon and the cheddar's beat out by the sour cream. But topping everything is the taste and small of uncooked potatoes.
These chips seem a little thicker than the rest and maybe that's resulted in them being less well cooked? Or maybe this was a marketing or cooking decision? Regardless, it's not a pleasant taste.
We were asked by a few readers if we could start noting the calories on things we ran through the test kitchen. The 2 and 7/8 ounces bag, if every chip is eaten by one person, will result in an addition of 480 calories. Another reason to consider buying something else to snack on.