That's what we wondered when we came across Smart Puffs which contain "REAL WISCONSIN CHEDDAR." The puffs from Pirate Brands (in Sea Cliff, New York) features a man on the package proclaiming, "GENIUS!!" -- a man who looks as if he's the love child Ben Stein produced with Ira Glass.
They kind of taste a little like Ira Glass: Weak and bland.
"Robert" proclaims on the back of the package that "Smart Puffs is a deliciously light and airy snack" -- and our big question was: Who the hell is this one-named Robert?
Before we could pursue that line of inquiry, we stumbled upon a new Ruffles flavor: Smokehouse Style BBQ.

The front of the package sports 4 juicy looking ribs which will raise your hopes way too high. They taste like Ruffles BBQ chips with a spice that may lead to heartburn after eating for some people (Jim and Ty both ended up with heartburn 30 minutes after eating). Minus that extra spice, it's really just "Authentic BBQ" Ruffles.