This is the type of crap "reporting" you get served from inside the tribal belt. But increasingly, Rachel Maddow's hapless program is a vehicle by which we gullible liberals get served all manner of tribal crap--tribal soothings designed to convince us that we and our friends are quite decent and good, while the other tribe is quite bad. Make no mistake: Governor LePage is no prize package; he has made important proposals which deserve extensive news coverage. But at this point, who can believe a word which falls from Sister Simple's mouth? Increasingly, her program is a rolling joke, an utter tribal embarrassment. And here’s the most horrible part of the stew: If we were forced to make a guess, we would guess that Sister truly believes her own twaddle! We'd guess that she isn’t mainly trying to play you--for financial reasons, let's say. We would guess that she mainly believes the silly s[**]t she broadcasts.
-- Bob Somerby, "Special Report: Life in the tribal belt!" (The Daily Howler).