From Workers World:
March 19 & April 9 actions
Both an upturn in worldwide struggles and a stepped-up organizing schedule have added momentum to the spring anti-war mobilizations set months in advance but still on target. These demonstrations will both focus on the criminal eight-year U.S. occupation of Iraq and nine-year occupation of Afghanistan, while staying on alert for new interventions in Pakistan and perhaps Libya.
The United National Anti-war Coalition, which is planning major protests in San Francisco on April 10 and New York on April 9, has also made important gains with endorsers, including the over 50-year-old anti-war group Peace Action New York State and the 300,000-strong 1199 United Health Care Workers-East. For more information, go to www.nationalpeaceconference.org.
In the New York City area, UNAC has set up a central organizing office at 296 Ninth Ave. near 28th Street at the Church of the Holy Apostles (646-998-6103).
On March 19, the eighth anniversary of the U.S. invasion and ongoing occupation of Iraq, demonstrations will take place in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities demanding an end to U.S. war and military intervention abroad and funding for people’s needs at home, initiated by the Answer Coalition. For more information, go to www.answercoalition.org
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