There was always something weird, strange and cheap about Barack and Michelle Obama's refusal to buy gifts for their children. And we were reminded of that all over again when Michael Goodwin (New York Post) wrote about administration staff waiting three hours (an assertion that's not been questioned by the White House), after they learned of the bombing attempt on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, before waking Barack and informing him of the attempted terrorist attack.
Do you see a problem with that?
Well, obviously, the president of the United States should be immediately awoken when an incident like the attempted attack takes place.
But do you notice something else?
Something that should have you asking WTF?
Something that should have your rolling your eyes over the freak show that is the Obama family.
The flight was scheduled to land in Detroit at 11:40 a.m. As the flight approached Detroit, the bomber began taking his steps towards igniting the bomb. Let's be kind and say that was 11:30. Are you seeing the problem?
11:30 a.m. EST. Where was Barack?

At 11:30 a.m. And let's say that the administration staff didn't learn of the bombing until noon EST. They then waited three hours before waking Princess Barack from his beauty sleep?
If you don't know, when it was noon in DC (or Detroit) it was seven a.m. in Hawaii.
They waited until 10:00 a.m. to wake Princess Barack?
You should be saying WTF?
Not just because of the failures re: his being the president.
His youngest child is how old?
And, unless Goodwin's got his facts wrong (the White House hasn't challenged the report), Princess Barack wasn't awoken that day until 10:00 a.m. Shocking for a grown man and not a pot head high school senior.
Do you get what that day was?
The bomber is called "the Christmas Bomber."
It was Christmas.
Barack has an eight-year-old daughter and he slept until ten a.m. on Christmas morning?
Normal parents, with small children, who claim to be Christians, were already up long before nine a.m., long before eight a.m., at their homes. What's Barack's excuse?