If you told us there was a bigger boob than John Nichols, we'd have to guess someone's been cloning.
Pound for pound, inch for inch, there is no bigger boob. And John Nichols never tires of demonstrating that. He did so last week via "Obama Gets It: : Tackling Unemployment is Job 1." Outside the padded halls of The Nation magazine, would anyone else feel the same way?
It is very, very doubtful.
Barack is in the midst of yet another Rainbow Tour. (See Wally's "THIS JUST IN! GROVEL IN CHIEF!" and Cedric's "So eager to please".)
Face the facts, the rainbow's starting to fade
I don't think she'll make it to England now
It wasn't on the schedule anyhow
("Rainbow Tour," written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Evita)
He's yet again out of the country.
But Johnny 5 Cents is excited because unemployment's officially at 10.2%? No. He's excited because . . . Well, let's let him tell it: "On Thursday, Obama made his move, announcing that a White House on jobs and economic growth will be held in December."
A what?
He means a summit.
The last summit we're remembering Barack doing was Ye Old Barley Brew Summit. That generated a lot of headlines but not much else.
It doesn't take much to delight Johnny Nichols. Just announce a summit and suddenly you "get it." The economy drove the 2008 election and Barack's ignored the issue repeatedly.
His polling numbers have dropped and dropped to the point that we think his new name should be Mr. Droopy. Pollsters Scott Rasmussen and Douglas E. Schoen (at The Wall St. Journal) broke down the news yesterday: "A CNN poll released Nov. 6 found that 47% of Americans believe the top issue facing the country is the economy, while only 17% say its health care. However, the bulk of the president's efforts over the past six months have been not on the economy but on health care, an issue in which he continues to draw negative ratings."
And that's why he's called a summit. It finally hurt his polling. The fan letters to the White House asking for autographed 8 x 10 glossies of Barack shirtless had started to taper off and Barry O was worried.
But to John Nichols, it's time to cheer. Proving yet again that there is no bigger boob than John Nichols.