In the lousy economy, even the price of Ramen Noodles is on the rise. College students and low income workers have long known of Ramen and, sadly, it's been a staple more for costs than taste.

Taste is really the only reason to choose to eat Ramen Noodles, if you like the taste. Many are forced by price to eat it and no one eats it because of nutrition. Ramen Noodles cooked (with no additions made by you such as adding mushrooms, piece of meat, etc) provide 8% of the daily required fiber and 16% of the daily required iron and nothing else.
By contrast, Patio's Beef Tamales and Enchilada Dinner provides 15% of the daily requirement for iron, 10% of Vitamin A, 15% of calcium and 40% of the daily fiber. At most stores, you can buy one Patio frozen TV dinner for a dime more than the cost of two packages of Ramen noodles.
Patio is the new Ramen. There are generally three different forms of Patio's Mexican frozen dinners. They're all the same price. Why did we select this one? It offers you the most content as measured by ounces -- almost two ounces more than the other two Patio TV dinners.
For most, Ramen noodles are purchased due to the fact that they are so cheap. We're tossing Patio out there because it is as well and offers a little more nutrition than does Ramen.