Sunday, March 01, 2009

Truest statement of the week II

John Walsh said on February 26th, 2009 at 12:51pm #

"P"DA is complicit in war.

In response to Laura Bonham’s claim that "P"DA is principled and consistent on the question of war, I have to ask, Is she kidding? Or whom does she think she is kidding?

"P"DA supported John Kerry in 2004 when he ran on a prowar platform.

"P"DA supported Barack Obama in 2008 - even as he called for a 100,000 increase in men and women in the active duty army and marines and even as he called to step up the war on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

So far as I know, "P"DA will not be joining the March 21 national mobilization in DC against what the mainstream media call Obama's war.

Obama has been bombing Pakistan, an act of war, without any Congressional declaration of war, an impeachable offense. "P"DA has not called for impeachment.

If Bush were doing any of this "P"DA would be yelling at the top of its lungs. But I hear only quiet when Obama does these things -- perhaps a few statements on the web site to cover their ass, but no action at all.

As Eugene McCarthy, echoing Daniel Webster, said of the war on Vietnam, it went on because too many placed party over principle. That is exactly what "P"DA is doing.

john walsh

-- John Walsh responding to PDA propaganda left in comments at his article "Indict Bush and Impeach Obama: Liberal Leaders Betray Antiwar Cause To Serve Dems and Obama -- Again" (Dissident Voice).
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