Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Condi II

Susan Rice

That's United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with US Ambassador to Iraq Susan Rice or, as she was dubbed last week, "Condi II."

War Hawk Suse was the name Amy Goodman, Allan Nairn and all the other posers and pretenders to 'independent' journalism avoided analyzing. They were keen to tell you that Mark Penn, of Hillary's campaign, worked at the public relations agency that handled some p.r. for Blackwater but an actual War Hawk with blood on her hands? They weren't interested. They took a pass.

Susan Rice, of the Sarah Sewall-Samantha Power-Susan Rice axis, will do her part to give American wars on Africa and she was committed to that long before the presidential campaign season got underway. However, the beggars of Panhandle Media couldn't and wouldn't inform you of that.

She's still wet behind in the ears in her post but earned the nickname "Condi II" last week when she decided to speak about Iraq and offered, "And we encourage members states to help Iraq strengthen its democratic institutions, bring its displaced citizens back home . . ."

Humanitarian organizations, relief agencies, no one is encouraging returns except for the puppet government (which now whines that it can afford to actually pay to return an Iraqi who wants to return -- the ministry over that is broke), yet there was The Condi II bellowing "All ashore that's going ashore!"

For all the talk of the need for a new American face (the better to sell a new wave of imperialism), Susan Rice demonstrated she would have fit in perfectly with the previous administration.

Others present could not believe her remarks. They couldn't believe the insensitivity, the lack of awareness or the bloodlust. Bloodlust? Rice bellowed about Iran as well, made threats that we used to get from John Bolton.

It's the same ugly face of the past. It might be a little uglier (study the picture and decide for yourself). In one speech, Susan Rice did tremendous damage to the notion that a new US was at play in the world.

Susan Rice went "rogue" -- but don't expect Saturday Night Live to offer any skits on that. They and everyone else will play dumb.

Barack spoke Friday about Iraqi refugees. His remarks did not back up Susan Rice's ravings:

Diplomacy and assistance is also required to help the millions of displaced Iraqis. These men, women and children are a living consequence of this war and a challenge to stability in the region, and they must become a part of Iraq's reconciliation and recovery. America has a strategic interest -- and a moral responsibility -- to act. In the coming months, my administration will provide more assistance and take steps to increase international support for countries already hosting refugees; we'll cooperate with others to resettle Iraqis facing great personal risk; and we will work with the Iraqi government over time to resettle Iraqis facing great personal risk; and we will work with the Iraqi government over time to resettle refugees and displaced Iraqis within Iraq -- because there are few more powerful indicators of lasting peace than displaced citizens returning home.

If the administration was smart, they'd ditch her right now. They're not smart. That's actually a good thing. The more The Condi II sets sail, the quicker the world learns they need to be even more wary of the new administration. Just as deadly, but with a toothy grin.
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