But in varying degrees, various "stalwarts" have proven themselves to be as spineless as any Congressional Democrat.
And each week, the e-mails note another sell-out and fear we're next.
We are not endorsing Barack Obama, none of us are voting for him.
We do not support:
*Homophobia (as a campaign strategy or at all)
*Sexism (ibid)
*Destruction of the public finance system
*War Hawks who pass themselves off as Doves
*Liars (and bad ones, at that)
And the list could go on and on. Barack's a liar, he's a damn liar. Everything about him is a lie and we do mean "everything."
Now a Jeralyn or a Marsh might need to peddle it so the Blogger Boiz keep on loving them but we don't give a damn.
We have always taken a stand and stuck with it. Not for popularity but because the times require standing up.
What has the left's biggest complaint been for the last four years (longer actually)? That Congressional Dems cave. They cave and then they cave again. And these people who think they can hold someone accountable but do their own caving? They're hypocrites.
We understand the fear/concern in the e-mails because a number of sellouts exist. Including last week's sellout who will, no doubt, yet again, insist he never did anything such thing and, goodness me, he's just opposed, OPPOSED TO BARACK. He's against him, when he's not for him, apparently.
There was also the embarrassment that was Ron Jacobs.
But the point e-mail after e-mail makes is: Don't sell us out.
We get that.
We thought it was implied as well as explained here.
Certainly, Ava, C.I. and Elaine have stated way back that they would never vote for Barack Obama.
But the e-mails last week were in high volume and we spent a good portion of this writing edition reviewing them.
For any readers with doubt: No member of Third or community member participating in the writing of this edition will vote for Barack Obama.
Not happening.

We understand your concerns as so many waiver and so many have sold out.
But we're not wavering. We're not caving.
As John Mellencamp once sang, "You got to stand for something, or you're going to fall for anything."
We understand the concerns and we'll be addressing them in other features this edition but, relax, we don't sell our souls out.