A very popular comic last week. Obama can't win big states, won't debate, what can he do?
Want to support a debate? From "Oregon for Hillary Launches www.DebateOregon.com:"
Gov. Kulongoski is First Signer Of Online Petition Urging Sen. Obama to Debate In OregonOregon for Hillary today launched an online petition at http://www.debateoregon.com/, urging Sen. Obama to participate in two Oregon debates proposed by Hillary Clinton. Supporters can also text "DEBATE" to "442008" to sign the petition on their cell phone."Hillary Clinton is committed to listening to Oregonians, and with the launch of her new Oregon Compact policy plan, she is pledging to work closely with our state," said Oregon for Hillary Communications Director and Oregon native, Julie Edwards. "Oregon voters should have the same chance to hear from the candidates as the voters of Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire -- all of which hosted debates. We encourage everyone to go to http://www.debateoregon.com/ to send the clear message that Oregon issues deserve to be heard."
In terms of the Green Party campaign? We may or may not cover it after the primary. Last week on Democracy Now! a Cynthia McKinney supporter declared that she wasn't running to win the presidency, she was running to win 5% of the vote to build the Green Party. The following day, her website posted a link to the interview with a headline of how he speaks for her. Speaking for us, we're not interested in candidates who aren't trying to win. Primaries are going on, we'll cover people who really want to win.
A fighter is Hillary Clinton. This is Howard Wolfson's "HUBdate: Calling for Lincoln-Douglas Style Debates" (HillaryClinton.com):
Calling for Lincoln-Douglas Style Debates: Clinton campaign manager Maggie Williams sent a letter yesterday to Obama campaign manager David Plouffe calling for Lincoln-Douglas style debates between Senators Obama and Clinton: "It is the American way to place our would-be leaders side by side to hear them articulate and defend their ideas; to challenge each other on their visions for the future ...In the spirit of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, we make this proposal: Senator Clinton and Senator Obama will participate in a 90-minute debate in an open public forum. Just the two of them -- no questioners, no panelists, no video clips." Read more.
By the Numbers: Yesterday’s daily Gallup poll "shows Clinton and Obama tied at 47% [with] Clinton…ahead of McCain in the general election." Hillary leads Sen. McCain by 3 (47-44) whereas Sen. Obama leads only by 1. According to a new Newsweek poll, Hillary "has reduced [Sen. Obama's] lead by more than half," to just seven points (46-38). The poll also shows Hillary leading Sen. McCain nationally, (51-47). Read more and more.
Tougher, More Resolute: New York Times’ Bob Herbert writes: Hillary "is now widely seen as the tougher of the two candidates, the one who is more resolute, who will fight harder.” In contrast, Senator Obama has been thrown completely off his game...You can almost feel the air seeping out of the Obama phenomenon." Read more.
Ground Work in Indiana: The Washington Post writes “Clinton Intensifies Ground Work in Indiana.” Read more.
'Wowing 'Em' in Fort Wayne, IN: Yesterday, Hillary "roared into Fort Wayne" where over 3,000 people packed a local venue, awaiting her arrival. Said one observer: "'I actually gave money to McCain for the primary, but I'm leaning more toward Hillary right now.' Another voter said, 'I'm not a Hillary supporter, but I came out to see what she was about, and I was actually impressed with what she had to say.'" Read more and more.
"Why I Support Hillary Clinton" Oregon Rep. Darlene Hooley writes in an op-ed today: "I support Hillary Clinton -- not because she is a woman, but because she is knowledgeable, experienced and tenacious. She has been through political fire in the relentless attacks thrown at her in the '90s. She has studied the issues, as an advocate for families, as first lady, and as a U.S. senator." Read more.
Standing Up for Hardworking Families: Bonnie Brown, a WV delegate writes in an op-ed today: West Virginians need a president who will stand up for hardworking families - starting Day One. Hillary Clinton has the strength and experience to lead us to a future where all workers are valued equally and all Americans have a chance to succeed. I encourage support of her presidency. Read more.
Previewing Today: Hillary returns to North Carolina, hosting a "Solutions for America" rally this evening in Wilmington, NC.