The above was e-mailed to a TCI community member after she posted a comment on a White lefty male's endorsement of Barack Obama for president. It's from the author of the endorsement.
We're going to be as a kind as we can be and not name him. Fortunately, enough White males have come out singing Bambi's praises that it'll be difficult for many to pin down which one it was (though C.I. says the above passage reads like his professional writing and should be obvious to all). White Male Lefty is what we'll call him and you've read him over the years in many, many independent publications, he's published books, you see him at the websites that repost from elsewhere (example: Common Dreams), you hear him as a guest on Pacifica Radio.
Heather's the community member who posted on his endorsement of Obama. She left her comments about how she was distressed by such an endorsement coming from a person who less than a year ago (yes, a clue can be found -- as always -- at Rebecca's site last week for those who want to play detective, a very obvious clue) was calling for the death of the Democratic Party. With no apparent sense of either perspective or humor, White Lefty came out last week for Obama.

Heather left her comment and assumed that was that. Then she logged into her e-mail account later in the week to find an e-mail from him. She replied to it and never heard another word from him but maybe that's to be expected when White Lefty not only feels the need to e-mail people who disagree with him but also to write ridiculous statements such as:
I think it is ridiculous not to acknowledge that a black candidate at this level is fundamentally different from all white candidates who have come before or who are now competing. the more so a black candidate who has risked jail by doing drugs, and who has relatives TODAY living in the Third World (Kenya).
"Has risked jail by doing drugs."
That's what White Lefty wrote. He wrote that Bambi "has risked jail by doing drugs."
Two Saturdays ago, The New York Times had a front page story on Bambi and his young adult drug use where they spoke with his friends in college and their memories of Bambi Party Boy were far different. Of course, as Andrew Stephen's "Obama unmasked" (The New Statesman) observed last month. "In those memoirs, Dreams from My Father, he burnished a personal and political resume that, in places, seemed almost unbelievable - so I was not surprised to read in his introduction to the reissued edition of 'selective lapses of memory' and 'the temptation to colour events in ways favourable to the writer'." So it's highly likely, based on his admission to 'inventions' and the fact that college pals don't remember Bambi's drug use that he's lying or, if you prefer, being 'creative.' Regardless of whether the events he wrote of and spoke of are true or false, he casts them as a mistake.
But such is the sad rot of the left that White Lefty, a well known left voice, can write of that possibly untrue period -- that Bambi casts as a both a mistake and something he rose above -- as if it were a brave political stand. Bambi, White Lefty declares, "has risked jail by doing drugs."
Amy Winehouse, you brave, brave Civil Rights Pioneer. River Phoenix, you gave your life for the cause. That's how the history books would read if White Lefty had his way.
Bambi "risked jail by doing drugs." That's the brave, brave, political stand Bambi took in the eyes of White Lefty and if that doesn't give you an idea of how pathetic the left has become, nothing else will.