It can't be honestly said that in 2002, Democrats didn't hop on board (as a group) to support the illegal war. But as the out of power minority, they could always say, "It's his war." They've done that four years now.
If you take her at her public word, she thinks she sets can set "benchmarks" (without any teeth to them) and Bully Boy will be follow them. If most of the world see's Bully Boy as the drunk he was, they now get to meet enabler Pelosi.
Currently, Democrats in Congress are saying that the White House and Justice Department are lying about the firing of eight prosecuters. More recently, they took public testimony from Valerie Plame who was outed by the White House. Dianne Feinstein belives a prosecutor was removed due to a high reaching investigation that would have proven uncomfortable for many in the White House. The Supreme Court has said no to Guantanamo. Laws on the books say no to torture.
But for some strange reason, Pelosi's convinced that things will be different with her. (She sounds like one of those women who says, of a serial abuser, "He'd never lay a hand on me.")
Taking her at her word, Pelosi is far less smart than she's come off in the past.
He'll listen, he'll honor. That's what the Pelosi measure on Iraq depends upon. To believe that will happen, you have to buy that the same man who lied a nation into war wouldn't lie to continue the same war.
By approving the summental, by endorsing the privatiazion of Iraq's oil, by setting "benchmarks" the bully Boy can ingore and overide, House Democrats have taken Bully Boy's illegal war and made it their own.
Congratulations, Nancy Pelosi, you have just bought yourself some real estate. Sad news is the location's not all that hot and the property value is dropping.
Dennis Kucinich warned you of the consequences:
1) Keep the war going through the end of President Bush's term;
2) Provide money to fuel an attack on Iran;
3) Force the privatization of Iraqi oil;
4) Escalate the insurgency;
5) Increase the number of troops causalities in the middle of a civil war;
6) Increase the number of civilian causalities;
7) Create a demand for more troops;
8) Enforce cutbacks of the agenda of many in Congress because money that could be used for schools, healthcare, seniors and the environment would continue to be spent for war;
9) Forces the destabilization of the Middle East;
10) Erodes the public's confidence in Congress
[Illustration is Isaiah's latest The World Today Just Nuts.]