Monday, April 01, 2024


a park painting 11

This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights. 


"Gaza day 176" -- most requested highlight by readers of this site.


"Kat's Korner: COWBOY CARTER slays them all" -- Kat reviews Beyonce's new album.


"Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot,"  "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot:" "Iraq snapshot," "Paul Rudnick and Chase Rice (the real world) and (the creepy) insane GOP-er calls for nuking the Middle East," "Crazy Marjorie and Crazy Boe-Boe," "The immensely unqualified Nicole Shanahan," "Kyle Riitenhouse - a killer who's learned nothing,"  "Crazy Old White Man," "Idiot of the week,"  "Tax cheats Donald Trump and Elon Musk,"  "Mike Lindell and other losers,"  "BURN IT DOWN WITH KIM BROWN, Elton John, ice cream and hate merchants,"  "Crazed Republicans,"  "Transgender Day of Visibility,"  "Our wise elder Audre Lorde," "Nex,"  "Get to know Jonny McGovern on THAT'S PERSONAL!," "3 people ganging up on one is an attack, not 'mutual combat'," "Convicted criminal Sam Bankman-Fried," "Perp round up -- Shady Menendez and Sam Bankman-Fried," "Artichokes,"  "His history of miracles," "He has no character,"  "Sad, disgusting, and tacky," "The horse race,"  "Robert Kennedy Junior is a real cry baby," "nicole shanahan tries to out crazy kennedy jr," "harvard proves to be lousy yet again," "erin hawley and her people,"  "good for rebel," "Louis Gossett Jr.," "Science post: Rock art, roaches and snakes,"  "Science post: Snakes, birds and butterflies," "Such a modest creep,"  "John MacArthur rightly called out," "Their own twisted version of BOUND," "They will not be missed," "Sisters under the skin: Martina and Caitlyn," "THIS JUST IN! CAITLYN JENNER AND MARTINA NAVRATILOVA'S SUICIDE PACT!," "Two women, two passions, two deaths" and "Martina and Caitlyn -- Two who will not be missed" -- news coverage in the community.


"Funny in the Kitchen," "Hamburger Stew in the Kitchen," "Crockpot 5-Ingredient Pot Roast in the Kitchen," "Healthy Wild Rice Casserole in the Kitchen," "Brown Rice and Lentil Casserole in the Kitchen" and "Air Fryer Crispy Pickle Chips in the Kitchen" -- look what Treva's serving up.




 "Nutrition, health, music,"  "Cher,"  "Music," "Adam Ant," "Great photos" and "Diana Ross, Justice Stephen Bryer" -- Ruth, Kat and Betty cover music.


"Martin Scorsese disappoints again," "the cleaning lady," "HULU+, DISNEY+ and PEACOCK," "Fran Drescher and Christopher Guest,"  "Will and Jada continue to implode" and "Weekend box office" -- Kat, Rebecca and Stan cover movies and TV.






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