Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Cowardly and pathetic Robert F. Kennedy Junior

The populist movement has been emerging from the left and the right. So many people have been betrayed by their leaders. They're tired of the uniparty. It's time for a leader who can give you back the America that was taken from you.

So Tweeted Huckster and Fake Ass Robert Kennedy Junior.  He's leading a populist movement, he Tweets.


You know what he's not Tweeting about?  Lauri Carleton.

She's dead now.  She was shot dead by one of Junior's supporters.  Travis Ikeguchi supported Junior and Matt Walsh.  Why?

Junior, can you figure it out?  We think it's because you hang out with transphobes like Mother Tucker Carlson and because you refuse to defend LGBTQ+ people.  Is it because you're crazed and crazy mother is a raging homophobe?  Is that where you got it from? 

She was the mother of nine.  She was also straight.  But she was an LGBTQ+ ally and that was just too much for Travis Ikeguchi who was stirred up by hate merchants.  Nine children are mourning, Junior. 

You want to be president but you can't even denounce your now dead supporter because you're afraid you might lost your right-wing support and, after all, isn't that all you've really got left at this point?  Democrats aren't taking you seriously because of your nutty and insane hypothesis and non-educated guesses.  All you really have at this point is the right-wing.  Oh, and your homophobia.  You think after your failed run is over, your homophobia's going to help Cheryl get jobs?  We don't.  We think you've pretty much ended her career.

Now go back to cowering before the right-wing, Junior.
Illustration is Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Junior Topless, Nips To The Wind"

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