Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Editorial: Remember Iraq, remember the fake asses?

You hear people in the US insist that they can end the proxy war on Russia.  End that?


They can't even end the Iraq War.  Iraq remains occupied.  US troops remain on Iraqi soil.

Remember this?

2007.  And then they found something else to do.  They didn't end the war.  They just found something else to do.

Iraq Veterans Against The War?  They got some publicity out of it but they don't exist anymore.  US troops remain on the ground in Iraq and supposed Iraq Veterans Against The War just doesn't care.

Guess it was never about justice for the Iraqi people.

Cindy Sheehan.  Remember when she was wrongly called "the Rose Parks of the Iraq War"

Rosa started protesting in 1943. She didn't stop four years later.  She didn't protest racism for four or so years and then drop that to start protesting against the treatment of cows in India.  She was an activist who stayed active and stayed focused.

As bad -- and illegal -- as the war the US government carried out on Iraq, something just as sad would be the Iraqi 'activists' in the US who made big speeches that were covered in Iraq, that the Iraqi people learned of.  And then, a few years later, the same American citizens didn't give a damn about the lives destroyed.  The War Hawks destroyed Iraq.  Supposed anti-war activists were going to atone and make up for their country's actions but, you know, words are easy, actual work is so damn hard.

Which is how you get the idiots in the US who will start insisting upon reparations for the Iraqi people.  They don't care about the Iraqi people.  If they did, they'd grasp that any reperation money the Iraqi government go their hands on would never get to the people.  Iraq is regularly ranked, year after year since the US invaded, as one of the worst and most corrupt governments in the world.

No, when they talk reparations for the Iraqi people, what they're really saying is, "Throw some money at the problem so I don't have to be bothered with it any more."

Let's join in song:  They'd like to teach the world to fake ass and keep them company . . .

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