Sunday, April 09, 2023

VOS VILIS -- Jonathan Swirley

Jonathan Swirley joined the Hitler mob, in case you missed it.

Don't call him Turley.  He's disgraced himself too much.  He's Jonathan Swirley.  And the noted transphobe decided he needed to lament that companies might go for inclusive when it comes to marketing.  

Remember when he was supposed to focus on the law and favored free speech?  Long ago, we know.  And it's so cute the way he's having a hissy fit over what Nike and Disney are doing -- being inclusive -- but he wants to also defend a computer programmer who claims her work (designing websites) is free speech and she should be allowed to deny access to anyone if they are married to a same sex partner.

Before he wrote that post on Saturday, he was already pissing his panties over the fact that a transphobe went to San Francisco (the Titless  Wonder from Isaiah's comic below) and was booed and heckled.


That was Friday's big post.  Oh, the horror.  Our modern day KKK got heckled and boo-ed.  Oh, how awful.  Jonathan would clutch the pearls were it not for the fact that he can't find them under the white sheet he's currently wearing.

Last week, C.I. noted:

Meanwhile, let's turn to noted homophobe and transphobe Jonathan Turley.  Shutting down productions, implementing laws where you can't say "gay" in Florida, all of these and more should concern someone who purports to be a free speech advocate.  

Yet silly Jonathan, 61-years-old (remember that), hasn't said a peep.


Because he works for FOX "NEWS."  They pay the bills and Jonathan doesn't bite the hand that feeds him.  So while they've launched an attack on LGBTQ+ persons that has lasted over a year -- an attack so bad that they are seeing people cancelling subscriptions to FOX NATION over it -- an attack so bad that they've had to come up with an offer to try to get those people back ($1.99 a month if you will just return -- but they aren't returning) -- he's not said a word.

And he just gets more and more ridiculous. 

As the volume of people calling him out online increases (and includes in the comments of his transphobe threads at his website), Jonathan finally decided to wade in last Saturday.  It was laughable:

A federal judge has temporarily blocked a new Tennessee law limiting drag shows on constitutional grounds. Like many, I have been appalled by some images of very young children watching highly sexualized routines in schools or businesses. However, many of these events are held off school grounds and with the support of their parents. As a parent of four, I cannot imagine taking my kids to some of these shows, but we all raise our kids according to our own values. 

What images, you stupid ass.  There's no link there.  He's a Libs of Tick Tock lover so he's probably talking about some of the stuff in Canada but who knows.  He has to hold his little nose before he can speak up.  Hold his little nose and clutch his pearls -- with his sphincter? 

I used to call Cokie Roberts out for her b.s. about "as a mother."  Now we're getting Jonathan -- 61-years-old -- writing "As a parent of four . . ."  He's ridiculous.  

And one column -- one really bad column -- doesn't wipe away your bigotry.  That's all you are, Jonathan, a bigot.  Well you're a paid bigot.  There's that too.  FOX "NEWS" wouldn't keep you around if you were calling out their bigotry, would they?  

Your paid to look the other way and that's why when you're finally forced -- due to complaints online and, yes, on campus (yes, Jonathan, I know all about it) -- to talk about you frame it in such delicate and petite language.

As a parent . . . 

Just stop pretending.  We know you're a paid whore.  FOX "NEWS" owns you.  It's destroyed your reputation and it's destroying your academic career.  When you're standing looking around at the ruins of your life, hope you still think it was worth it because this isn't over, Jonathan.  It's just beginning.

And there's also the failure of Jonathan to uphold his position at the university.  Again, from C.I.:

Let's stay on Jonathan Turley for a moment because he came up in a Zoom yesterday and I made a point that I didn't realize wasn't well known.  It goes to how outrageous his transphobia has been.  I was talking about how disgraceful that this person holding the Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University had been.  A young man asked me what "public interest law" is?  That's a good question.

Public interest law is defined as anything affecting the well-being, the rights, health, or finances of the public at large, most commonly advocating for those living in poverty or marginalized populations. While it can be tireless work, and the financial rewards are not great, on campuses across the country, the desire to “give back” is growing.

Jonathan holds the chair and spends all of his time obsessing over millionaire Donald Trump.  In the last 12 months, he's only offered one defense (and that was last week and only because his image of a transphobe is building across the country) -- and  a weak one -- of the attacks taking place.

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