Sometimes the biggest entertainment on TV can be found in
non-entertainment programming. The work week began with news of two
high-profile firings. CNN, once a news network, and FOX "NEWS" -- the
talkshow network -- each dropped some heavy baggage.

got ride of Don Lemon. Took them long enough. He apparently shoved
his hand down the front of his pants, rubbed it around down there, and
then tried to shove the odor off on a bar patron. That didn't get him
fired. When, because he worked for CNN, Don learned that the police no
longer believed Jussie Smollett was the victim of a hate crime, Don
didn't take it upon himself to break the news on the air. He did,
however, call his friend Jussie to give Jussie a heads up.
and time again, Don got away with it. For years, he got away with his
sexism and threats against women in the workplace. Then he started
snapping at his female co-hosts on air.
That didn't get him fired.
he declared Nikki Haley to be out of her "prime." He shouted down his
co-hosts and insisted that they could GOOGLE it and they'd see he was
Thing is, people did
GOOGLE it and he was wrong. And at 51, Nikki might actually be
considered young for a presidential candidate. But by no means would
she be considered past her prime.
Clinton was 61 when she ran for the Democratic Party's presidential
nomination and one of the few sexist things that wasn't said about her
was that she was "past her prime." She was 69 the year she ran for
president on the Democratic Party ticket. Again, no one said "past her
Don's remarks were stupid and offensive.
Still he kept the job.
had a tantrum on set last week that made it clear that CNN couldn't
continue to work with him. He says he was surprised when he learned he
was fired. Really? Because when confronted with his on set behavior
last week, the first words out of his mouth were, "I know I did wrong."
Yes, you did and it was the last straw.
Sometimes, you reach the end of the rope, it may take forever, but you reach it. And last week, Don did.
Suspension of disbelief only works so long.
DAVIS, PEACOCK's latest offering, might need to heed that reality.
Four of the eight episodes are currently available. What's the show
Davis, WARNER BROS' last star, leaves the lot and bequeaths her
dressing room to her "most deserved" successor Jane Wyman. She then
tries to control Jane and others via phone calls and advice.
Actually, that might be more interesting. In fact, it would be.
-- also known as Sister Simone -- grew up with grifters for parents.
As an adult, she's portrayed by Betty Gilpin. When her mom's crossbow
booby trap lands an arrow in Liz's chest, she eneds up in the ER (as a
child) and meets Wiley. As an adult, Wiley is played by Jake McDorman
and that might be enough for some viewers to understand her attraction.
We're not sure how anyone explains her attraction to Jay (Andy
It's not that the
actor playing him isn't attractive. It's that after heavy petting, she
wants to do it but he's saving himself for marriage. Before the
religious right starts thumping their chests, he's Jesus. Jay is
Jesus. So, to marry him, Liz becomes a nun, Sister Simone.
That's a lot to absorb, isn't it?
There's more.
Mrs. Davis isn't Bette. She's an Artificial Intelligence construct.
Is Mrs. Davis using and abusing people as Wiley and the renegades he funds believe?
It's hard to tell. Or maybe we were just stunned by the sheering of Ben Chaplin.
a British actor who first impressed us in 1996's romantic comedy
classic THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS and continued to impress us
opposite Jennifer Jason Leigh in WASHINGTON SQUARE, in Terrence Malick's
THE THIN RED LINE, opposite Winona Ryder in LOST SOULS, opposite Nicole
Kidman in BIRTHDAY GIRL, opposite Sandra Bullock in MURDER BY NUMBERS .
. .
With Ben Chaplin, you can count on two things -- an impressive performance and a hairy chest.
Or you could before MRS. DAVIS.
times, Ben seems to be channeling Douglas Fairbanks, Kevin Kline and
Cyndi Lauper -- when it gets really bad, he's channeling all three at
once. It's a lively performance, to be sure. And it does keep you
awake. Maybe it's leading to something? We hope so.
in some sort of modern-day Sampson fable, Ben's lost his artistic sense
when he removed his chest hair (and slathered on what appears to be QT
-- Quick Tan -- across his now hairless chest).
series is quirky and, if adds up to something, the audience will feel
rewarded. If it doesn't? You've been mildly amused for a few episodes.
amused is how Tucker Carlson always came across -- mildly amused and
slightly off. The boy with the bowl cut grew up to be the man with no
clue. After failing on CNN's THE SPIN ROOM, he got a job on CNN's
CROSSFIRE where he degraded the nation's intelligence and when Jon
Stewart pointed out what a mockery of news the garbage was, the Mother
Tucker was out of a job. He tried to spin it, insisting that he had
resigned from CROSSFIRE in April of 2004 -- guess he just forgot his
resignation as, week after week, he continued to do the show until
January of 2005. TUCKER CARLSON UNFILTERED lasted a year at PBS. Onto
MSNBC at a time when it was already featuring garbage like Michael
Savage and had plenty of room in the toilet for Tucker. TUCKER lasted a
little less than 3 years on MSNBC.
being a journalist, talk show host Tucker took time to do what many did
in recent years, take a spin around the floor on DANCING WITH THE
STARS. That he was the first celebrity eliminated should have told him
something about how beloved he wasn't.
Melissa Gates gave then-husband Bill the ultimatum, all the hate
merchants were kicked off MSNBC and Tucker landed eventually at FOX
"NEWS." He was a panelist, kind of the 21st century version of Kitty
Carlisle Hart. By toadying and creating many mini-'controversies'
passed off as news, Mother Tucker eventually worked himself up to a
weekend co-host on FOX & FRIENDS Finally, he was ready, he
thought, once again for prime time. TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT debuted in
2016 and got cancelled last week.
Tucker is homeless yet again.
It's greatly upset his friends -- racists and transphobes like the Great Glenneth Greenwald:
One reason there's so much hatred among left-liberal media types toward Tucker is petty jealously: that goes without saying. They always hate most those who succeed in journalism.
But he's also hated by that crowd because he holds up a mirror to the failures of their heroes.
The mirror Tucker held up was to his own ass. Is that what Glenneth found it interesting?
and Tara wanted you to know that Tucker hosted plenty of lefties.
Tucker brought on lefties who played his game or served up the red meat
his deluded audience wolfed down. The same way Bill O'Reilly had done a
decade prior with, for example, Susara Taylor. Mother Tucker didn't
invent anything, he was just the new Bill O'Reilly.
And now he's fired.
And Glenneth tries to spin this as a good thing:
A major irony is that Tucker's separation from Fox may be the best thing that could happen to him in terms of his influence and impact.
The sector of media growing most explosively are independent platforms. Joe Rogan is vastly more influential than every MSNBC and CNN host.
but Joe Rogan has charisma. Tucker doesn't. Tucker is not Joe Rogan
who makes people laugh intentionally. Tucker is an uptight prig.
That's not going to play well in 'new media.' It didn't play well for
Bill O'Reilly when he tried to survive being fired from FOX "NEWS." And
Tucker already failed as a podcaster.
there are the internals. As the ones -- and only ones -- who have
reported the realities about FOX "NEWS" finances, we can tell you he was
not worth his salary. His podcast for FOX was a failure and then came FOX NATION and TUCKER
transphobe, FOX "NEWS" apologist and enabler Jonathan Turley keeps
trying to pretend DISNEY is in a crisis financially (it's not), the real
crisis is FOX "NEWS." Jerry Hall didn't walk away empty handed from
her divorce. Rupert Murdoch is a buffoon and always has been. He
needed money -- and tried to pretend otherwise -- a few years back so he
sold FOX (20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Television, and FX Networks)
to ABC DISNEY. FOX "NEWS" still owns the over-the-airwaves broadcast
network but that's really it in terms of what they had. And that's
really not enough. They need to be making programming to make money and
you're usually looking at a five-year turn-around before a production
company makes real money off a series.
Roseanne Barr's return to comedy, FOX NATION was supposed to be firmly
on the map. And Roseanne did bring in eye balls. But they also left
with Roseanne. It got so bad that FOX NATION kept lowering the monthly
fee in the hopes that they could lure subscribers back. It got down to a
single dollar a month before they realized that the surveys were
accurate. When you cancelled your subscription to FOX NATION, they had a
lengthy survey and many people took it. As we've noted before, they
pointed out that there was no real programming on the channel, they
pointed out that the transphobia was vicious and outrageous.
this plays for the basic cable crowd. They don't pay enough to cover
FOX "NEWS" bills. And they're a highly unattractive demographic. So
FOX "NEWS" doesn't do as well as it needs to now in advertising.
FOX BROADCASTING is a sink hole FOX entertainment covered the losses
for FOX "NEWS" for years. And that shouldn't have been a surprise. For
decades news -- or what passed for it -- was bailed out at the big
three networks by entertainment programming. Losing that income harmed
FOX "NEWS." They have created FOX ENTERTAINMENT but it's only real
success is from co-creations THE CLEANING LADY (a bonafide hit) and
FANTASY ISLAND (about a million viewers notion of entertainment).
ALERT: MISSING PERSONS did very poorly for a first season broadcast and
that's true -- only more so -- of THE ACCUSED (when you drop from an 8.7
million to start to barely a million viewers, you don't deserve a
second season). CALL ME KAT's also run off a ton of viewers in season
three. They have no real hit because the viewers aren't there and
they're producing the shows with four to five other companies which may
minimize their losses but also minimizes their potential profit.
CNN, FOX needed something more to bring in income. That's one reason
why CNN's doing all the 'movies' ('documentaries') over the last few
years. It's why it spent all that money on creating a streamer and why,
when it was obviously going to fail, they immediately closed it down.
to write off as much as you can then be a laughingstock. CNN knows it
can try again (and will). FOX NATION? They don't know what to do. It
was supposed to be a boon on Wall Street. But, for that to happen, it
needed to be successful. Instead, it's a failure.
that's true of everything except Roseanne's comedy special. Now Tucker
speaking with Roseanne did help TUCKER CARLSON TODAY. But every
episode couldn't be a Roseanne Barr interview or a special about
Roseanne. And few bothered to stream him otherwise.
A lot of money was being pumped into Tucker's pockets. And it just wasn't worth it.
The business model didn't work.
Turley, right now, is probably ready to type up his latest anti-DISNEY
column about the layoffs at DISNEY. That's not DISNEY threatened for
life or even really hurting. That's a case of too many employees and
too much redundancy. Which is to be expected when you are ABC, FREE
released the cash printing machine AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER), MARVEL,
far too dishonest to tell the truth about the conglomerate that pays
his bills. But FOX "NEWS" is in serious trouble and that was true
before they settled one lawsuit that will cost them $787 million.
There are more lawsuits to come over that issue (lying to viewers).
And Lachlan Murdoch is especially worried about the network's
estrangement from Donald Trump. Rupert considers himself a kingmaker
and believes they've buried Donald. But if Lachlan is correct, and he
believes he is, that FOX "NEWS" needs Donald for a successful business
model, they can't hold on to Tucker who revealed in texts (that the
Dominion lawsuit brought to the surface) that he hates Donald. And
besides the lawsuits -- it's not just Dominion -- over the lies about
the 2020 vote, there are other lawsuits there's also the harassment
FOX "NEWS" has to
do more than tighten its belt. There are no friends on Wall Street
willing to bail it out -- NEWS MAX and other similar outlets can
continue even if FOX "NEWS" falters. And they're sinking in debt.
Tucker Carlson became an ugly face for the network -- an admitted liar
(in texts, he not only admitted to hating Donald, he also admitted that
despite making 'stolen election' claims on air, he didn't actually
believe them). This is a problem because AOC rightly noted the FTC when
she was on Jen Psaki's talk show over the weekend.
Glenneth and others didn't understand what AOC was talking about because they're not real smart. Oh, censorship! - they cried.
mentioned the FTC which handles issues like fraud and consumer
protection. Viewers are consumers. A TV host telling them that an
election was stolen when the host admits privately that he didn't
believe it was stolen? That's fraud. And eliminating that type of
fraud is why the FTC exists. This had nothing to do with The First
So Tucker was a
liar and he was accused of harassing in the workplace and he wasn't
delivering new streams of money. Of course, he was going to go. FOX
"NEWS" has much more success with THE FIVE -- and pay them less -- and
this blend, they hope, is the future of the network. Yes, even FOX
"NEWS" is considering stepping away from the White Male single-host
Two firings that
were a long time coming finally happened. It may be the most obvious,
the least absurd, media news of the year.