We're doing The African-American roundtable and thank you to Ava and
C.I. who are taking notes for this transcript piece. Participating are are me from The Third Estate Sunday Review, Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man; Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix; Marcia of SICKOFITRDLZ; Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends; Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub. Betty's kids did the
illustration. You are reading a rush transcript.

Ty (Con't): For those late to the story, Scott Ritter has been arrested
multiple times for attempting to have sex with underage girls. He used
to claim it was all a plot by Bully Boy Bush to silence him and his
criticism of the Iraq War. But it wasn't. And Barack Obama is
president when Scott gets arrested again. This time there's no
probation or excuses, he goes to trial. He's convicted. He's sent to
prison and now he's out. And some idiots on the left are promoting him. Some of those idiots? Jimmy Dore, Jackson and His Tiny Hinkle, THE CONVO COUCH, Aaron Matte, and now? BLACK AGENDA REPORT so that's why we're having this roundtable. In the community, Betty's "Margaret Kimberley and her ASIAN WHITE REPORT," Marcia's "The Nutty Left?," Ann's "So Margaret Kimberley chooses pedophiles over children" and C.I.'s "The lack of respect for females leads some to prom...'' addressed this issue. Okay, whomever want to go first, jump in.
I want to start by saying my wife is not a bot. I don't appreciate her
being called that. I don't appreciate the lies. But lying is all
Margaret Kimberley's readers can do because they're lied to as well.
Shame on you, Margaret, for promoting a registered pedophile. Shame on
you. That is outrageous and it does serious damage to everyone on the
left especially to those of us who are African-Americans.
Isaiah: Preach.
Ann noted how outrageous it was in a Tweet she left on Margaret
Kimberely's Twitter feed. Because not only did BLACK AGENDA REPORT
begin publishing Scott Ritter this past week, Margaret Kimberley began
promoting it. That's what happens, I guess, when one person who wanted
to control BAR finally gets in charge, she destroys it. And that is
what has happened.
This should be a non-starter. There is no reason for the left to ever
rally behind and promote a convicted sex offender. This is exactly what
WSWS doesn't understand. #MeToo started for a reason. That reason is
junk like this: idiots acting like it's okay to be a registered sex
Betty: Jumping in for a second, C.I. handed me a note: WSWS is not promoting Scott Ritter.
Thank you, that's correct. WSWS is very critical of #MeToo and that's
what I was referring to, sorry. But it exists for a reason and it's
because men -- and apparently women who identify with men over women --
would act like assault was no big thing. Do we have rights or not? Do
we get respect or not?
James Brown's classic says "I'm Black and I'm proud." Is BAR proud?
Glen Ford and Bruce Dixon pass away -- two leading African-American
voices -- and they're replayed with a White convicted sex offender and
with Asian-American Danny Haiphong? And Betty's right, he does not
bring African-Americans on THE LEFT LENS.
I see Ava's eyes so I'm jumping in to explain. Betty has long
criticized, at her site, THE LEFT LENS -- which is now BLACK AGENDA
REPORT's only YOUTUBE program -- and how Danny books everyone but
African-Americans while he builds his name via African-Americans.
Stan: Builds it on our back, let's be clear. BAR's turned into a plantation run by Danny for Danny.
Ann: I would so agree with that. And I question the importance that he's taken on at BLACK AGENDA REPORT. Margaret couldn't find African-American writers? It's disgusting. This was supposed to be a place for African-American writers to focus on issues that impact us. Instead, it's Danny Haiphong. He needs to go elsewhere. He's been a problem since he joined. Now he's taken over.
Betty: It's not for Black people anymore. It's really not. It's betraying the audience it used to court, the one it still pretends to speak to.
Marcia: And, as an African-American woman, I have to wonder why any Black publication would promote a pedophile? With all African-American women and girls have to endure, how the hell can BLACK AGENDA REPORT promote a pedophile?
Betty: I love how they pretend it's 'thought crimes,' the ones who defend him. He acted on those thoughts. Pretending otherwise? That's like pretending the people who plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan didn't do anything because they were caught before they could kidnap her.
Isaiah: Exactly. I'm serious though, Margaret can not run BAR. She couldn't when Bruce and Glen were alive. All she wanted to do was write her weekly column. That's it. And that's why she's turned things over to Danny Haiphong. She's not an editor, she's not a publisher.
Cedric: And her weakness is destroying BAR. And we don't need Danny writing about China's Communist Party at BAR and pretending that's a Black issue when it's not.
Stan: It's a betrayal of us, it's a betrayal of Black people. Danny should have started his own site and stop trying to shoe horn his way into BLACK AGENDA REPORT with all his pet issues that may be good for Asian-Americans but don't belong -- as they are written -- at BAR.
Marcia: This site, this community, has supported BAR and I'm just not going to do it anymore. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of White man Scott Ritter, a convicted sex offender, a registered sex offender, getting published by BLACK AGENDA REPORT. Every time they publish Ritter or Haiphong, that's two African-Americans that didn't get published. And that's not why BAR was created. Equally true, from the three roundtables that Bruce Dixon participated in for the gina & krista round-robin, we all know that he never would have supported Scott Ritter being published by BAR.
Ty: Is that okay? C.I. just shrugged.
Marcia: Sorry I was mad and I didn't think. We can pull that out from the published transcript.
Ty: C.I.'s shaking her head "no." But, as a general rule, we don't discuss what takes place in the round-robin without permission. It's for members only for a reason and the people outside the community participate with that understanding. Bruce Dixon is dead so I think it's fine. I agree with C.I. that it should stay in.
Marcia: But I was part of three roundtables with him and I know that. Margaret Kimberley is supposedly his great friend and she didn't know that? Or she just didn't care? She betrayed Bruce.
Stan: I agree with my cousin, Margaret is betraying Bruce Dixon. She's also betraying what Glen and Bruce were creating. There's no real reason for BAR to exist anymore if this is what it's going to be.
Ty: Okay, I think we've covered it. This is a rush transcript. Best e-mail to reach us at? That would be common_ills@yahoo.com.