Did we mean to take last week off? Going into it, no. The plan was we would write on Sunday; however, that changed when children issues arose -- including an Easter egg hunt. So I proposed that we work later in the week. At which point, Ava and C.I. made clear that they were not writing a piece on Sunday that would be held to who knows when. They said they'd start a piece and write half of it around Wednesday and if we weren't ready to post by Thursday, they'd finish it over the coming weekend.
We weren't ready.
And that's okay.
There's no reason to put out an edition when there's no time for it. So many of us have kids now -- Dona and me, Ava and Jess, Cedric and Ann, Ty and his boyfriend -- that we need to realize that Easter is now like Christmas -- a holiday we traditionally farm out to Ava and C.I.
It's one of the many things we live and learn, I guess. We'll try to give a heads up in the future. This really was not planned.
Planning is a big issue here. We frequently fall behind due to it. I'll own that. It's why people keep e-mailing asking if we've given up on new illustrations?
No, we haven't. We need to do some stock images, paint up some. That way we'd have them on hand when we needed them. Again, planning.
Some are e-mailing asking if we're done nothing great films of the 20th century? No. We just have been able to have time.
The TESR Test Kitchen remains a popular feature, as 12 e-mails remind. We continue to do it. I love candy. My favorite day -- as I shared before -- is always the day after a holiday so I can hit the drug stores and buy the discounted candy. I love candy. But we have moved beyond just sweets and try to note non-sweets.
TV roundtables? Blair wants another one and feels it's been too long. I'll promise that we will do one before the start of May. Which probably means it will be the second week of May.