Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Truest statement of the week

The corporate media will often show images of sparse food store offerings in Cuba or Venezuela to make the case against socialism. (The same reports never mention the damage caused by U.S. sanctions.) But the reverse never happens. Despite thousands of photographs showing empty shelves, people waiting on long lines for food and water, and property damage caused by governmental neglect, very few will ask if capitalism is to blame for this catastrophe.

Of course, it is easy to blame this one state, but it is America writ large, where human rights take a back seat to the needs of the oligarchy. Despite endless claims of superiority the commitment to protect human rights here is largely rhetorical. Just ask Texans who burned their own furniture in an effort to stay warm.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: No Human Rights in Texas" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).




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