He's not.
He is like too many candidates who have come before including Bully Boy Bush. To his credit, Donald hasn't started an Iraq War or Afghanistan War yet.
Reality is in short supply these days because Donald offends the delicate sensibilities of some creeps and crooks. People who have done great damage to this country and to the American people -- people like Bill Kristol.
And idiots like Alyssa Milano reTweet Bill Kristol and praise him -- they normalize him.
Bill Kristol is no friend.
For years he and his cohorts declared war on the American people.
Rewriting history because Donald Trump offends you is not a valid reason to rewrite history.
Which brings us to Joe Biden. Joe benefits from revisionary history and he uses revisionary history.

Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "The Feet Of His Master" went up Sunday. It is the real Joe Biden, appeasing his political opponents, caving in, selling out.
If you think Donald Trump is hideous and that we need better why would you settle for a little less hideous?
That's all Joe is. Only measured against Donald Trump does Joe look better.
America deserves so much better than Joe Biden who appeases the right constantly and sells out his own party over and over.
The crowded field is allowing Joe to seem like a real possibility. That and the elderly which is where Joe's real support comes from. He can afford to be against Medicare For All when his core audience already has Medicare, for example.
The 1%-ers need to drop out now.
They are not getting traction. Some have had two debates to try to make an impression and have failed.
The failures are Tulsi Gabbard, Julian Castro, Amy Klobuchar and Andrew Yang. 1% after participating in the June debates and the July debates? No one cares about you, move on.
You're hurting America by stealing focus from real candidates like Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
The less than 1%s need to go as well. That's Kirsten Gillibrand, Jay Inslee, John Hickenlooper, John Delaney, Marianne Williamson, Seth Moulton, Tim Ryan, Michael Bennet, Steve Bullock, Bill de Blasio, Joe Sestek, Tom Steyer and Wayne Messam.
It's time for them to do like Eric Swalwell and withdraw.
We thought Eric made a real contribution to the June debates and we were actually considering him as a candidate. Marianne Williamson and Jay Inslee, to cite just two at less than 1%, have been real candidates as well.
But you aren't gaining traction. And you're a distraction that muddies the differences between a neoliberal like Joe Biden and a real candidate like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.
"Better Than Trump" is not a slogan that'll lead America into the future. We need the best candidate possible, the one who will fight for America and for what America needs. That's not Joe Biden with the collapsible spine. It's time for those in the crowd who are not standing out to get off the stage so that the needed and real conversation can take place.