Monday, December 10, 2018

Kathy Griffin, stop the madness!

Oh, that Kathy Griffin, the simple-minded comic whose routines feel like a child trying to tell a story, a very young child who has trouble remembering details.

She's trying to focus on building a comeback but she keeps losing focus.

Two words.

Two words are all it took to set her off.

F**k you. Sick and tired of you going after . You have no idea what it’s like to accomplish what she has in her life. You couldn’t sell-out your living room. Get a life.

The two words were "Great deal!" -- Maureen Dowd mocking a Groupon for attending a Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking event.  (They have had trouble filling the venues.)

Great deal!

"You can't sell out your living room," huffs Kathy in a I've-Been-There-And-Done-That kind of way.

Yes, Kathy does have trouble, even now. lining up gigs in the US.

 But that's not our focus.

Our focus is Kathy's stupidity.  She's stupid.  She can build an act around bad TV ('reality' television) because her mind is full of crap and useless.

She should focus on comedy.  That can be mocking Trump or not.  We don't care.  We do know she's too stupid to handle politics.  The Clintons look extremely greedy right now -- even for them.  And it's biting them in the butt -- the point of Maureen Dowd's Tweet.

Kathy can't handle that because she's so damn stupid.  In her world, it's either Trump or the Clintons.  She's that damn stupid.  She's a binary type -- very limited.

She won't do the education required to speak with a sense of purpose or knowledge.

In fairness to Kathy, Meryl Streep doesn't either.  Whoring for her bad film THE POST, Meryl took to defending a mythical press that has never existed in the US and that certainly was not a friend of the American people.  You have to be pretty damn stupid -- and Meryl is -- after THE NEW YORK TIMES led the way in selling the Iraq War to pretend that NYT is going to save anyone.  (They can't even save their stockholders these days.)

Reality: neither Kathy nor Meryl has to be smart.  Meryl's got acting, Kathy's got comedy.

That's fine.

But they want to weigh in on events that they have no understanding of and no context to put them in.

Hillary Clinton hasn't accomplished a damn thing, Kathy.  Not unless you consider going on TV to sell the Iraq War and voting for it in the Senate to be things worthy of praise.  Despite her mealy mouthed 'apology' (she blames Bully Boy Bush for her vote), she did nothing after the start of the illegal war to help the Iraqi people -- not as a US senator, not as Secretary of State.  And she knew the government of Iraq was sexist and she refused to fight for Iraqi women.

Kathy and Meryl want us to feel the 'sisterhood' but it's a funny kind of sisterhood -- one that erases women around the world who suffer because of Hillary, one that bases feminist credentials solely on whether you will root for War Criminal Hillary Clinton or not.

Kathy should have learned her lesson long ago.

She's a stupid woman who wants to be apllauded not for her comedy but for her 'bravery' and her 'wisdom.'  She lacks both.  She demonstrated that several years ago when she publicly promised Lt. Daniel Cho that she would help him and stand by him . . . before forgetting who he was.  She did nothing to help him.  She just used the pretense to make herself look better -- smarter, braver.

She's too stupid and uneducated to know how to help.  She'd do better -- and this goes for a lot of celebrities -- if she could grasp that she is not an expert on everything.

She doesn't have the time too.  No one does, celebrity or not.  You can educate yourself on certain topics -- and we encourage you to do so -- but people like the uneducated Kathy and the badly educated Meryl (Ivy leagues means nothing if you majored in drama, dear) think they can speak to everything.

And then they get their little feelings hurt when people reject their nonsense.

Sorry to break it to Kathy and Meryl but you can oppose Donald without dry humping Hillary Clinton.

The world is much more complex than that.  How sad that Kathy gets that jokes are complex, with layers, and Meryl gets that acting requires complexities and layers, but neither grasp that to be an informed political commentator means moving beyond binary and that it especially means moving beyond a viewpoint where only the White American people and their well being is how you judge a politician's actions.

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