"Zionism cannot reconcile with feminism," "But Gal, what about the children of Gaza?," "Jenkins explains Wonder Woman isn't a feminist, "d...," "The Mammy trope and other racial issues with the f...," "In short, the film is not antiwar, it is anti-Germ...," "Iraq snapshot," "Patty Jenkins is an idiot,"
"It takes a John McCain supporter," "White girls stick together?" and "Agree with James Cameron" -- Oops, Patty Jenkins stepped in it as did her idiotic supporters.
"Roberta Flack," "Better Together," "My top ten soundtracks," "Best living rock band" and "Tori Tori Tori" -- Elaine and Kat cover music.
"The media is part of the problem," "Too often, people fail to see clearly," "Reality," "agree with axelrod," "Hillary grows more pathetic," "Something that really pisses me off," "The brain is not among Oliver's big bones," "Ralph Nader laps Barack Obama's balls," "Real news from WSWS"
"James Clapper will always be a liar," "more lies from nyt," "Our commonalities," "The danger of the media," "Afghanistan," "Barack was a disaster," "Real choices," and "Why is Neisee Perry so rude and uninformed?" -- media commentary in the community.
"Best movie of 2017 so far," "jerry lewis," "THE DEFENDERS did disappoint" and "THE HITMAN'S BODYGUARD" -- Stan, Rebecca and Mike talk movies.
"Quick Microwave Bean & Cheese Burrito in the Kitchen" and "Sauceless Pasta in the Kitchen" -- Trina serves up two recipes.
"There is no forgiveness for Madeline Albright" -- this we know is true.
"Now We Bomb Oklahoma" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"Dirty Debbie was guilty, Court finds" and "THIS JUST IN! KEEP SNAUSAGES ON HAND!" -- Cedric and Wally on the court finding about Dirty Debbie.
"Dirty Debbie was guilty, Court finds" and "THIS JUST IN! KEEP SNAUSAGES ON HAND!" -- Cedric and Wally on the court finding about Dirty Debbie.