- Pinned TweetRT if you'd like tens of millions of Americans to watch my final #debate
showdown on Facebook. #BreakTheBlackout https://www.facebook.com/events/985852838192168 …
- When exactly will we have an election where we're allowed to stand up and vote for what we want? If not now, when? #BreakThe2PartyTrap
- We need to ensure that weather disasters do not become normal. That's why we need a #GreenNewDeal to combat the climate crisis.
- Do you have a question for @DrJillStein, submit your question here: https://docs.google.com/a/tytnetwork.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzBTgCSXmU9kkevLdKadHB4n4EcCNzgvmHa1Lo4o8nsrN1kQ/viewform …
- You're right, @JohnKerry. But will the U.S. stop funding and arming human rights violators? #PeaceOffensive
- Obama’s all-of-the-above energy policy is terrible for climate. A little wind & solar doesn't help if we're still pumping out CO2 & methane.
- We're happy @DrJillStein's biggest (not false) scandal is her folk rock band. Wait...that's not a scandal...is it @iamjohnoliver?
- Communities of color are on the front lines of climate crisis in our country & around the world. A #GreenNewDeal must address this reality.
- If @JohnKerry did ask Ecuador to cut off Assange's Internet access, what else is the U.S. hiding? #PodestaEmails
- No matter where you live or who you are, we all share mother earth. Together we can build communities that live in harmony with the planet.
- I got started organizing against environmental racism in MA working to close down polluting medical waste incinerators in Lawrence & Lowell.
- The Standing Rock Dakota Access Pipeline protest embodies the global struggle for human rights and a world our children can live on. #NoDAPL
- Transitioning away from fossil fuels will save enough on health costs to pay for a #GreenNewDeal within roughly a decade. It's a win-win.
- .@GreenPartyUS VP nominee @ajamubaraka makes it plain in an exclusive interview with @KWestSavali. http://buff.ly/2ef010S
- It took 6 months to transform our economy after Pearl Harbor was bombed. We can mobilize to halt climate change with a #GreenNewDeal.
- #SteinBaraka campaign debunks John Oliver's deceptive attack on student debt bailout #EndStudentDebt http://www.jill2016.com/stein_baraka_campaign_debunks_john_oliver_s_deceptive_attack_on_student_debt_bailout …
- Losing all harbors & coastal population centers would be a catastrophic hit & very hard for civilization to survive without a #GreenNewDeal.
- Green Party presidential candidate @DrJillStein is calling for a 'Green New Deal' http://s.pri.org/BSVPG2a via @LivingOnEarth
- James Hansen, who hasn't been wrong yet, says we can expect 10 feet or more of sea level rise as soon as 2060. This is an emergency.
- No, Jill isn't anti-vaccine or a 9/11-Truther. Those were calculated Dem smears. Sorry to see @iamjohnoliver & @RollingStone repeat them.
- Every month now is setting a new record for heat, record storms, fires up and down the West Coast & flooding in the Southeast. #GreenNewDeal
- Watch me discuss the Democratic Party's hypocrisy on climate change at my recent Bronx rally. #GreenNewDeal
- It's due time that fossil fuels stay in the ground like the dinosaurs they are. The #GreenNewDeal calls for 100% clean energy by 2030.
- The climate is in meltdown mode. Meanwhile, HRC has promoted fracking and takes money from Big Oil. It's time for a #GreenNewDeal.
- The #GreenNewDeal calls for investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture and conservation to support future generations.
- I discussed with @BretBaier on @FoxNews why the majority of Americans are breaking up with the two-party system: http://video.foxnews.com/v/5172947336001/dr-jill-stein-on-why-voters-should-back-the-green-party/?#sp=show-clips …
- The #GreenNewDeal will give everybody a job by transitioning the U.S. to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030.
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe chair: "We need to start looking at pipelines that are already under the river… those pose a threat to us"
- In this election, we're not deciding what kind of a world we want to live in, but whether we will have a world at all. #GreenNewDeal
- Vote for @don4ousd1 for the school board in Oakland, California! Find more Green Party candidates here: http://jill2016.com/downticket
- How well do you know @DrJillStein ? Learn more about the Green Party candidate for president.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
The climate is in meltdown mode
Jill Stein is running for president on the Green Party ticket.