Sunday, August 21, 2016

"If you're writing think pieces saying that it's OK if Bill Clinton is a rapist pls ask yourself where you went wrong in your life."

Liza Featherston (author of FALSE CHOICES: THE FAUX FEMINISM OF HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON) tracked last week's latest and most disappointing trend.

  1. Yup. I thought they'd just ignore the Bill rape stuff, not create a "woke rapist" trope.

Sometimes I think ppl in One PIerrepont Plaza must read these media apologetics, snicker: CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE NOT EVEN PAYING THESE PPL

I expected Woke Tim Kaine. Nothing HRC does is shocking, it's the creative intellectual gymnastics of her supporters that continue to amaze.

I did not expect that to get behind idea of defeating Trump, we'd be asked to believe in crazy Russian conspiracies, rape apologetics.

These people recoil at "lesser evil" frame. Offended by the very idea Clintons could be "evil" and will not stand for it.

I expected to often agree with Democrats, once primary was over. Hey, Trump sucks amiright? But still with the most ridiculous commentary!

What's the single most reactionary position we can get Hillary supporters to defend before the primaries end?

I predict...male prerogative to rape and still be a feminist. Throwing poor women off welfare. War. OH WAIT...

How to be a male feminist ally: schedule a post-rape phone call to unpack & apologize.

Feminism is a big tent. But I didn't know it had seating section for rapists.

If you're writing think pieces saying that it's OK if Bill Clinton is a rapist pls ask yourself where you went wrong in your life.

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