He's Bill Clinton.
A former US president.
He's Bill Clinton.
A man who settled a law suit with a woman who accused him of sexually harassing her.
He's Bill Clinton.
An attorney whom the Supreme Court barred from practicing law.
America looked on in horror as Clinton's sex acts defiled the office throughout his second term.
Then came Juanita Broaddrick.
Did he rape Broaddrick as she claimed?
At the time, most Americans, weary of his ongoing sex scandals, just wanted the whole thing over.
Clearly, NBC NEWS did as well since they waited until February 24, 1999 to air their January 20, 1999 interview -- aired 12 days after the Senate vote not to remove Clinton from office (after the House impeached him).
And most didn't want to believe that the man in the Oval Office was a rapist.
But time has passed.
And Bill Clinton's never had to go on the record about the charges.
Time has passed.
And Juanita Broaddrick stands by her assertion that he raped her.
Time has passed and Hillary Clinton is selling herself as a staunch supporter of women in her efforts to seize the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
Isn't it past time Bill Clinton was forced to answer the charges?
And isn't it past time that Ms. Broaddrick, the only living woman to publicly accuse a president of raping her, was allowed to air her charges on a range of media outlets?
From SHADOWGOV.COM, here's the opening of the 1999 NBC NEWS segment (the only interview any of the three major broadcast networks ever did with Juanita Broaddrick):
She became known as Jane Doe Number 5. Her story was well known to independent counsel Ken Starr, to House impeachment managers, to Washington insiders and Capitol Hill reporters. A month ago, she gave an interview to NBC News correspondent Lisa Myers. Since then NBC News has been carefully investigating this story — combing through state records, court documents and newspapers, cross-checking dates and events, talking to more than 80 people, and repeatedly requesting information from the White House.
LAST WEEK, as NBC News continued its investigation, Jane Doe Number 5 went public with her extraordinary allegation -- that she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton 21 years ago. To some this is an old and unprovable accusation that should never have been circulated to begin with. To others it’s a story that must be told. Is she to be believed? Or is Jane Doe Number 5 the latest weapon in a relentless political war against Bill Clinton?
Juanita Broaddrick: “It’s important to me to tell what happened. I don’t know how people are going to take this. I don’t know what they’re going to think after all these years and months why I’ve come forward.”
Jane Doe Number 5 is 56-year-old Juanita Broaddrick, a successful businesswoman who has been the subject of intense political and media speculation. Rumors about Broaddrick’s story have been floating around Arkansas and Washington for years, known to both Clinton haters and supporters.
Broaddrick was pulled into the Paula Jones case, she met with investigators for the House Judiciary Committee and was interviewed by Ken Starr’s investigators. And though what she told Starr remains sealed it was seen by 40 members of Congress before the impeachment vote in the House. Later House Republican Whip Tom Delay publicly urged senators to find out what Jane Doe Number 5 had to say before deciding the fate of the president.
As the whispers about her grew, Broaddrick found herself hounded by the media — and she says she was the subject of gossip and half truths on the Internet and in the tabloids.
Juanita Broaddrick: “All these stories are floating around. Different stories of what really happened, of what people think happened and I was tired of everybody putting their own spin on it.”
The Broaddrick story became public last week, and since then her story has appeared in print, on radio and TV.
But much of what you may have read or heard is incomplete. While NBC News was investigating this story and seeking comment from the White House, our work became the subject of much speculation.
Tonight, you’ll see what we were able to learn and you’ll hear from Juanita Broaddrick herself — a woman who remained silent for two decades and who admits she has lied under oath about this story in the past but now says she wants to tell the truth.
Juanita Broaddrick’s story begins in 1978 — she was a registered nurse who had started her own nursing home in Van Buren, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was the state attorney general who was running for governor:
Juanita Broaddrick: “I thought he was just something that was gonna be really good for Arkansas. Thought he was a very charismatic man, that had bright ideas for our state… I just really liked him.”
Broaddrick, whose married name at the time was Juanita Hickey, says she was so impressed with Clinton she volunteered to hand out bumper stickers and signs — her first and only political campaign. Broaddrick says she met Clinton for the first time when he made a campaign stop at her nursing home in the spring of 1978.
Juanita Broaddrick: “While he was there visiting, he said ‘If you’re ever in the, ah you know, Little Rock area, please drop by our campaign office,’ and he said ‘be sure to call me when you come in and call down to the campaign office.’”
Broaddrick says not long after that conversation she did go to Little Rock for a nursing home meeting held at the Camelot Hotel — now the Doubletree. She says she checked into the hotel and the next morning called Clinton campaign headquarters. She says she was told Clinton was at his apartment and to call him there.
Juanita Broaddrick: “I did call and ask him if he was gonna be at the headquarters that day and he said no he didn’t plan to be there. He says, Clinton said, ‘Why don’t I just meet you for coffee in the Camelot coffee shop?’”
But Broaddrick says Clinton called later — she thinks it was around 9 in the morning — and asked if they could meet in her hotel room because there were reporters in the coffee shop.
Lisa Myers: “Did you think his interest in you at the time was personal or professional?”
Juanita Broaddrick: “I thought it was professional, completely.”
Myers: “So you thought this was going to be a business meeting?”
Broaddrick: “Yes I did, I really did.”
Myers: “Did you have qualms at all about him coming to the room?”
Broaddrick: “I was a little bit uneasy. But, I felt, ah, a real friendship toward this man and I didn’t really feel any, um any danger in him coming to my room. I sort of ushered us over to the coffee — I had coffee sitting on a little table over there by the window and it was a real pretty window view that looked down at the river. And he came around me and sort of put his arm over my shoulder to point to this little building and he said he was real interested if he became governor to restore that little building and then all of a sudden, he turned me around and started kissing me. And that was a real shock.”
Myers: “What did you do?”
Broaddrick: “I first pushed him away and just told him ‘No, please don’t do that,” and I forget, it’s been 21 years, Lisa, and I forget exactly what he was saying. It seems like he was making statements that would relate to ‘Did you not know why I was coming up here?’ and I told him at the time, I said, ‘I’m married, and I have other things going on in my life, and this is something that I’m not interested in.’”
Myers: “Had you, that morning, or any other time, given him any reason to believe you might be receptive?”
Broaddrick: “No. None. None whatsoever.”
Myers: “Then what happens?”
Broaddrick: “Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip (she cries). Just a minute... He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. (crying) And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen (crying) but he wouldn’t listen to me.”
Myers: “Did you resist, did you tell him to stop?”
Broaddrick: “Yes, I told him ‘Please don’t.’ He was such a different person at that moment, he was just a vicious awful person.”
Myers: “You said there was a point at which you stopped resisting?”
Broaddrick: “Yeah.”
Myers: “Why?”
Broaddrick: “It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip.”
Broaddrick also says the waist of her skirt and her pantyhose were torn.
Juanita Broaddrick: “When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”
Myers: “On your lip?”
Broaddrick: “Yeah.”
Broaddrick estimates Clinton was in her room less than 30 minutes.
Myers: “Is there any way at all that Bill Clinton could have thought that this was consensual?”
Broaddrick: “No. Not with what I told him, and with how I tried to push him away. It was not consensual.”
Myers: “You’re saying that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted you, that he raped you.”
Broaddrick: “Yes.”
Myers: “And there is no doubt in your mind that that’s what happened?”
Broaddrick: “No doubt whatsoever.”
While the president and his lawyer declined to be interviewed on camera, through his lawyer the president did issue a statement saying any allegation he assaulted Broaddrick is “absolutely false” and when asked about it Wednesday the president said he had nothing to add to that statement.
It’s important to note — and Broaddrick concedes — that aside from her, there are no witnesses and as far as we know, no one saw Clinton enter or leave Broaddrick’s room, or even the hotel. She took no photos, kept no evidence and the hotel has no records to confirm that she stayed there. However, Broaddrick does have a friend who backs up her story.
Norma Kelsey did not want to be interviewed on camera. However she told us she did accompany Broaddrick on that business trip to Little Rock — they even shared a hotel room. Norma says when she left that morning Broaddrick told her she was planning to see Clinton. But Norma says when she called around lunchtime, Broaddrick was upset and crying so she returned to the room.
Juanita Broaddrick: “Well, I was very emotional within an hour or so after it happened and then by the time Norma got back my whole top lip was turned out, was very swollen and very ugly looking.”
Norma also says that Broaddrick’s lip and mouth were badly swollen, that her pantyhose had been ripped off and she says Broaddrick told her she had been sexually assaulted by Clinton.