MIAMI – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement tonight after The Associated Press projected that he won Tuesday’s primary election in Michigan:
“I am grateful to the people of Michigan for defying the pundits and pollsters and giving us their support. This is a critically important night. We came from 30 points down in Michigan and we’re seeing the same kind of come-from-behind momentum all across America.
“Not only is Michigan the gateway to the rest of the industrial Midwest, the results there show that we are a national campaign. We already have won in the Midwest, New England and the Great Plains and as more people get to know more about who we are and what our views are we’re going to do very well.”
His supporters rightly celebrated and exclaimed online.
In the USA The Banks rhymes with Them Tanks @BernieSanders pulling sheets off them.
. @BernieSanders won 70% of independents in open #MichiganPrimary. 42% of voters are independents. Think about the electability implications
Why do I love @BernieSanders? 'Cause who doesn't love watching smug news pundits sputter in disbelief? #FeelTheBern
.@BernieSanders victory in the #MichiganPrimary is a YUGE deal! We've 4 of 6 races this week Millennials take pride and #FeelTheBern!!
Bernie won Michigan.
And the world celebrated at the idea that War Hawk Hillary just might be stopped yet.