"Silence on Shi'ite militia violence, gossip when t..." -- most requested highlight of the week.
"Arrow," "The Originals returns White, White and more White BlackActorsMatter#," "heroes reborn and scandal," "Empire," "Empire," "Minority Report," "heroes reborn" and "Idiots of the week" -- Stan, Marcia, Rebecca, Betty and Mike cover TV.
"Keystone Barack" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"Kat's Korner The triumphant return of Janet," "The reviews for Janet's Unbreakable," "Janet debuts at number one," "Janet's back," "Janet," "Janet's UNBREAKABLE," "The one and only Janet Jackson," "Thoughts on Janet Jackson," and "My favorite ballad" -- coverage of Janet Jackson's new album.
"Keystone Barack" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"Kat's Korner The triumphant return of Janet," "The reviews for Janet's Unbreakable," "Janet debuts at number one," "Janet's back," "Janet," "Janet's UNBREAKABLE," "The one and only Janet Jackson," "Thoughts on Janet Jackson," and "My favorite ballad" -- coverage of Janet Jackson's new album.
"Hillary is disgusting," "She's so . . . unpopular," "The attack on pensions" and "THIS JUST IN! THE CRANKY HITS THE FAN!," "Hillary gets caught lying again," "Hillary's enuich," "State wants more e-mails from Hillary," "Who authorized it?," "What will liar Kevin Drum do now?," "Hillary versus Joe" -- coverage of Cranky Clinton.