"At this point, Hillary, what difference does it matter" -- most requested highlight of the week.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Plan" -- Isaiah takes on the VA scandal.
"community rescued by hulu?," "The Sixties -- part two as bad as part one," "scandal fans," "The return of Mistresses (Karen and Jos)" and "Mistresses returns (Savi and April)" -- Rebecca, Ruth and Stan cover TV.
"Blended," "Edge of Tomorrow,""Ike Barinholtz, Albert Brooks," "Mistresses, X-men," "You little cheese eater," "the film collage," "Maleficent," "Sorcerer," and "Gore Vidal" -- Stan, Betty, Ann, Rebecca and Kat go to the movies.
"Scrambled Eggs in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers some ways to perk up scrambled eggs.
"Idiot of the week" -- Mike awards the 'honor.'
"Sign of the Times," "Carly Simon's Hotcakes," "The Bieber and his dirty mouth," and "Ode to Billie Joe" -- Elaine, Ann, Stan and Kat cover music.
"He makes a decision" and "THIS JUST IN! HE'S GOT AN OPINION ON EVERY THING!" -- he thinks he knows everything.
"Benghazi -- look what the American people say" -- Ruth continues her Benghazi coverage.
"Grim Peace Resister" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"Ron Jacobs the chicken s**t," "The body blow," "More stupidity comes via Dave Lindorff," "The creep named Kreitner," "Ray McGovern gives Barack a rusty trombone," "What's that smell? CODESTINK," "Patrick Martin plays the fool," "He's got another brilliant idea!," "THIS JUST IN! BARRY'S GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!," "Barack has a deal for you!," "His own worst enemy," "barack's latest round of negotiations with terrorists," "Another fine mess Barack has gotten himself into," "Guantanomo," "The latest White House scandal," "Barack makes (another) deal," "Ray McGovern gives Barack a rusty trombone," "He's got another brilliant idea!" and "THIS JUST IN! BARRY'S GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!" -- community coverage of the big story of the week.