The former matinee idol made news last week that created so much disgrace, he probably wishes they'd just been writing about his bad hair piece.

The elderly actor's constant need for attention led him to produce Chicagoland for CNN. Chicagoland was promoted as a documentary. And documentaries, Redford insisted last month, are so very important:
You've talked about your frustration with predictable political
commentary from the right and left on television. What role can
documentaries play in this partisan atmosphere?
When the dialogue about the news is so extreme on one side or the other
-- extremely on the right, which I think started with the tea party,
and that prompted the left to be extreme on their side. So once those
two extremes started battling with each other, it's hard to know where
the truth really is. So you want to say, "Well, where am I going to find
out about the truth -- this side is barking loud, this side is barking
louder to be heard, and pretty soon it becomes a lot of noise."
So where is a consumer
going to get the truth? I lean toward documentaries because the
documentarian will take an hour to tell his or her story. And those
stories are usually about the issues that come up on the news, but
sometimes get knocked around with a lot of noise. And so you don't know
what the story really is. But if you look at a documentary and you have
an hour or more to dive into an issue, and you go right down to the
heart of it, then you can come out of it and say, "Gee, I get the
No, Hacktor, the Tea Party didn't start the 'noise.' In its most recent round, the noise was started on the semi-left where dirty whores pretend they're left when they're nothing but partisans -- a lot like the Whore Redford who got exposed last week.
Bill Ruthhart (Chicago Tribune) reported:
If it seemed as though some scenes of CNN's documentary series "Chicagoland" were coordinated by Mayor Rahm Emanuel's City Hall and the show's producers, that's because they were.
More than 700 emails reviewed by the Tribune reveal that the production team worked hand in hand with the mayor's advisers to develop storylines, arrange specific camera shots and review news releases officially announcing the show.
Producers asked the mayor's office to help them set up key interactions in what the cable network has billed as a nonscripted eight-part series, including Emanuel's visits with the school principal who emerged as a star of the show, emails show.
City Hall's frequent correspondence with the producers illustrates how senior aides to a mayor known for shaping his media image managed how their boss would be portrayed on CNN to a prime time national audience.
Oh, Mr. High And Mighty, how you have fallen.
And whoring out your name to help Rahm Emanuel's neo-liberal politics comes with a cost. It means all the things you vouched for and championed are now suspect.
That's why you shouldn't whore.
Redford's had ethical problems before. For example, his box office bomb Quiz Show was a 'true story' that really wasn't. Don Enright (Los Angeles Times) observed in 1994:
While in interviews Redford admits to changing some facts, on screen "Quiz Show" is explicitly represented to be a true story. It uses real names in its promotion, it uses real faces. At the same time, the movie carries none of the familiar fictional content disclaimers. Not even at the very end in tiny letters. No, Redford hands down his movie as revealed truth, re-created.
But it's not. "Quiz Show," the movie, is rigged. Fixed. Just like its television counterpart. And for precisely the same reason. Played straight, the story would be much more dramatically complicated and much less morally convenient. The real truth is that Redford has sacrificed truth--not to say decency--to make his show a more dramatic, more compelling and, ultimately, more successful product for mass entertainment.
At least that was an entertainment film which no one outside of Redford mistook for a documentary.
But now even his product that he promotes as a documentary turns out to be fiction.
Bruce Dixon (Black Agenda Report) was never taken in by Chicagoland:
Chicagoland makes a kind of neoliberal action hero out of Rahm Emanuel in Chicago just like the Brick City crew did Corey Booker in Newark.
[. . .] But there's lots more that Chicagoland doesn't show us. Soon after winning the 2011 mayoral election Rahm Emanuel had a get-acquainted dinner with Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) president Karen Lewis. “25% of the kids,” he told her, referring to children in the city's public schools, “are never going to amount to anything,” and for that reason he “wouldn't throw resources at them.”
This is the person Robert Redford chose to trash his own reputation over.
How sad. But a 77-year-old whore apparently doesn't have the pick of the crop when it comes to johns. No, Redford just has to take whatever pathetic loser he can scare up.
Last year, Redford tossed down the following from his high horse to The Wrap's Brent Lang, ""Anybody can put something up. Anybody can tweet, so therefore it’s harder and harder to find out what the truth is. When you have barking dogs on television that are so extremely to the right where they’ll lie right to your face and with such conviction, somebody just channeling they'll go, 'Oh I guess that’s what the truth is.'"
And any whore can do p.r. for a politician and lie that it's actually a documentary.