Among the e-mails last week was one from Joel Wing who appears to flit here and there like some giant gypsy moth. What was on the blogger's mind?
Joel Wing wrote:
In an article about the recent KRG elections you wrote: "Jim: But back to Barzani. The press, Joel Wing and so many others kept insisting that Barzani was passe, over, loathed, etc. But his party got the most votes."
Please provide an article and a link where I said that Barzani was passe please? Otherwise you don't know what you're talking about.
Thank you
Joel Wing
Musings On Iraq blog
That's so sweet. I wanted to write back, "Bitch, let's meet up and I'll kick the s**t out of you." But I'm trying to curb my aggressive tendencies being a new father and all -- plus, I was worried Little Joel would piss himself -- would die of electrocution as he pissed himself right by his surge protector.
So instead, I decided to deal with him here.
First up, Bitch, it's not my job to provide you with a damn thing.
Second of all, when you e-mail about an article, you need to give the title or a link -- that's right little bitch, who's demanding I provide him with a link.
Third of all, get a damn life.
Do you Google yourself?
You're more pathetic than I could've guessed.
What got the bitch-boi's little thong up his crack was last week's "The KRG elections" -- look, Joel, a title and a link! It can be done.
That was a conversation piece I did with C.I. As I noted in our "A note to our readers," "We didn't have enough content so I caught C.I. on the phone at an Emmy after party and got her to agree to do 'The KRG Elections' piece with me. "
I noted at the top of the KRG elections piece, "This is a gasbag piece. I asked C.I. to join me for a conversation on the KRG elections and persuaded her by pointing out that (a) it would up the Iraq coverage and (b) we didn't have a lot of serious topics this week. Consider this a rush transcript. "
You could tell it was me because "Jim:" came before the statement. It's a transcript piece. Too much for Joel to grasp.
Bitch boi Joel is also a liar. He's a cheap liar.
This was a conversation piece. Here's the point where I bring in the press:
Jim: The press has said repeatedly that Massoud Barzani has overstepped his bounds, that he's unpopular, etc. And you've argued differently for two years now. If you were wrong, KDP wouldn't be in the lead.
C.I.: I don't know where the nonsense on Barzani got started. He's very popular. The press has always insisted that Iraqi President Jalal Talabani is popular. He's also a Kurd -- like Barzani -- and he heads what had been the other dominant party, the Patriotic Union Kurdistan.
Jim: That's right. Going into this election, it was a two party race. The PUK and the KDP were the dominant political parties in the KRG -- like the Democrats and the Republicans in the US. With the results of Saturday's elections, that has now changed.
C.I.: Right. Gorran is now one of the two dominant parties.
Jim: But back to Barzani. The press, Joel Wing and so many others kept insisting that Barzani was passe, over, loathed, etc. But his party got the most votes.
Learn to read, bitch-boi Joel. These are the charges: "The press has said repeatedly that Massoud Barzani has overstepped his bounds, that he's unpopular, etc. The press, Joel Wing and so many others kept insisting that Barzani was passe, over, loathed, etc."
Where do you fall into that? With about a dozen posts but, bitch-boi, why don't you start with your post from last June: "President Barzani Attempting To Manipulate Political System For A 3rd Term In Iraq’s Kurdistan."
That is but one example, you filthy piece of trash.
There are many more.
It is not my job to read your awful writing. I don't blame you for not wanting to read your own and trying to push it off on me, but I don't accept that task.
I've answered your cheesy ass e-mail.
So stop sniffing around my crotch.
I have nothing for you.
I get that the circle-jerk got lonely for you after your buddy Reider Visser went full on nuts in front of the world.
But get this, Joel, I'm not your buddy, I'm not your brother and I sure ain't your daddy.
So go away with your tail between your legs before I make it really ugly.