Senator Patty Murray was the Chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. This year she stepped down from that post to Chair the Senate Budget Committee but she continues to advocate on behalf of veterans (and she continues to serve on the Senate Veterans Committee). Her office issued the following last week.
Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 (202) 224-2834
TOMORROW: Murray at JBLM for Update on Local Implementation of Veterans Jobs Law
90% of transitioning service members from JBLM are taking advantage of transition programs mandated by Murray’s VOW to Hire Heroes Act
will receive briefings from Joint Base officials on transition
programs, tour a classroom where veterans receive apprenticeship
(Washington, D.C.) – Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 7th, 2013, at 2:00 PM U.S. Senator Patty Murray, a senior member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, will travel to JBLM to discuss her VOW to Hire Heroes Act, a landmark veterans employment law, to see how it is making an impact in Tacoma. The Senator will receive briefings from Joint Base officials on the successes of VOW at JBLM, and will discuss VOW’s impact within
the local community, ongoing challenges to implementation, and how to
work together to produce better outcomes in the future.
JBLM was selected as the first
installation in the nation to pilot the apprenticeship program where
active duty members are allowed to take time to participate in
apprenticeship programs and still get paid. Senator Murray will tour a
classroom where veterans receive this apprenticeship training.
The VOW to Hire
Heroes Act is a bipartisan, comprehensive law that works to lower the
rate of unemployment among our nation’s veterans. The law is designed to
help put veterans back to work by providing them with real-world skills
and job training as they leave the military and by easing the training
and certification process veterans face. At
JBLM, it is estimated that 90% of transitioning service members are
taking advantage of the programs Senator Murray’s legislation created,
and nationally, veterans’ unemployment rates among recent veterans have
dropped dramatically from double-digits, and are now at or below
civilian unemployment rates.
WHO: U.S. Senator Patty Murray
Colonel Hodges, Joint Base Commander
Mark Brown, Director of Human Resources, JBLM
Robin Baker, Transition Services Manager, JBLM
Lourdes “Alfie” Alvarado Ramos, Director, WDVA
Mike Schindler, President, Operation Military Family
Chris Winters, Veterans Rep, International Union of Painters &
Allied Trades
Todd Mitchell, Helmets to Hardhats
Kathleen Connelly, Education Director, JBLM
Amy Moorash, Chief, Advising Branch, David L. Stone & John D "Bud"
Hawk Education Centers, JBLM
Senator Murray will meet with JBLM officials to discuss the successes
of her VOW to Hire Heroes Act within the local community
WHEN: TOMORROW: Wednesday, August 7th, 2013
2:00 PM PT
WHERE: Joint Base Lewis McChord Stone Education Center
Kathryn Robertson
Deputy Press Secretary
Deputy Press Secretary
Office of U.S. Senator Patty Murray
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510