This is from the Green Party of Michigan:
Green Party of Michigan
** News Release **
** ------------ **
July 23, 2013
For More Information, Contact:
Fred Vitale, Detroit Green Party
(313) 580-4905
John Anthony La Pietra, GPMI Media Committee
(269) 781-9478
Greens Stand Against Detroit Bankruptcy Filing
Call for “Social Movement” to Support
People Ahead of Banks, Corporations
Green Party members and leaders meeting in Ferndale Saturday
denounced the filing of Chapter 9 bankruptcy proceedings by City of
Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr.
“The debt owed to bankers and bondholders is small compared to the
financial damage the same bankers inflicted on Detroit and Detroiters in
the financial crisis,” said Derek Grigsby, chair of the Green Party of
Michigan. “Redlining, predatory loans, and other racist banking
practices have cost Detroit hundreds of billions of dollars. The auto
corporations took millions in tax abatements -- and instead of providing
jobs, they closed factories. If you add it all up, the banks and
corporations owe us.”
“Kevyn Orr was selected by Governor Rick Snyder,” observed Lloyd
Clarke, retired GM worker and member of UAW Local 688. “Orr's planned
attacks on city workers' pensions and workers' wages in bankruptcy court
as a representative of Governor Snyder should be a warning to all
workers in southeast Michigan.
“Snyder supported ‘right to work’ legislation in Michigan to
undermine unions. Orr’s bankruptcy plans follow the same anti-union
Fred Vitale of the Detroit Greens pointed out, “The bankruptcy plan
of Orr and Snyder is to pay bankers billions by selling Detroit assets,
deprive some neighborhoods of services and gentrify others, and take
pensions away from fellow residents, city retirees. There is an
alternative. We need a social movement to cancel the debt to the bankers.
“There are many organizations and individuals active and opposed to
Emergency Managers in Detroit, including the Green Party. We urge
everyone to expand and deepen our collaboration, engage our fellow
citizens, and take the struggle to the streets. We must put pressure on
the federal court to resolve the bankruptcy in favor of the residents
and workers. Not one penny more to the banks.”
For more information see the Michigan _Citizen_’s many articles on
the Emergency Manager and bankruptcy:
and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) releases which document the
banks’ predatory relationship to Detroit:
For more information about the Green Party of Michigan, its values,
and its candidates, visit:
For GPMI's latest news, “like” the Green Party of Michigan USA Facebook
page and follow the party Twitter feed @MIGreenParty.
# # #
created/distributed using donated labor
Green Party of Michigan
PO Box 504
Warren, MI 48090-0504
GPMI was formed in 1987 to address environmental
issues in Michigan politics. Greens are organized
in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Each
state Green Party sets its own goals and creates its
own structure, but US Greens agree on Ten Key Values:
Ecological Wisdom
Grassroots Democracy
Social Justice
Community Economics
Respect for Diversity
Personal/Global Responsibility
Future Focus/Sustainability
For the latest news,
“like” the Green Party of Michigan USA Facebook page --
and follow us at Twitter: @MIGreenParty.