Are you looking for a vintage collector's item toy still in its original packaging? You can find it there, you can even see it there, but you're not bringing it home without dropping a lot of cash.
Ramen noodles are very basic. You can get them for as low as 19 cents a package at some stores.
But the noodles you can pick up in grocery stores isn't the one people want to pick up.
The obsession is with Tomato flavor Ramen. Around the country, the obsession is with the discontinued flavored noodles -- discontinued in 2003. On E-Bay, you can often find an approximate Tomato Ramen noodles package, but not the real thing. (Even now a faux one is selling -- buy it now! for $31.90.)
But how much would a real Ramen noodle lover pay for a tomato flavored package?

In DC, you're not leaving the black market without dropping $300 bucks. And you'll be told the supply is getting ever smaller so you'd be smart to stock up while it's still "only" $300 a package.
A thriving black market in the nation's capital -- reminding us all of how the economy has not recovered and how we're not that far from the USSR in its final days.