Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shame of the Week

Media Matters set itself up as the brave Jack stalking the Giant.  But that was just for a Republican Giant.  When a Democrat came into the White House, Media Matters' Jack no longer wanted to climb the beanstalk.

The tax-exempt arm of the Democratic Party reached a new low last week as it published "The DOJ's AP Investigation" Tuesday -- a set of talking points which sought to excuse the US Justice Department's unprecdented seizure of phone records from the Associated Press.

Jason Linkins (Huffington Post) reported on the outrageous actions by Media Matters and noted that Chair David Brock was insisting this was not Media Matters, it was "Message Matters" -- which is part of Media Matters -- as it states on the website.

It was a laughable distinction and one that even Brock ditched the next day, "We would not say it the way we said it by itself, if we had it to do over again.  People did not understand what we were trying to do and why we were trying to do it."

From the title character of Jack and the Beanstalk to the title character of Laura Nyro's "Flim Flam Man," what a shameful fall for Media Matters.

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