The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (Chair Bernie Sanders and Ranking Member Richard Burr pictured above) announced two joint-hearings this month.
on Veterans’ Affairs
United States Senate
113th Congress, First Session
Hearing Schedule
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:00
p.m. 345 Cannon HOB (House Side)
Joint Hearing on the legislative presentation of
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:00
a.m. SD-G50
Joint Hearing on
the legislative presentation of Military Officers Association of America,
Retired Enlisted Association, Non Commissioned Officers Association, Blinded
Veterans Association, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Wounded Warrior
Project, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, American Ex-Prisoners of
Heather L Vachon
Chief ClerkSenate Committee on Veterans' Affairs
SR-412 Russell Senate Office Building