What was Justin Bieber trying to say?
And over the weekend, this went up.

Singer Justin Bieber posted that photo of himself.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
A grown man, he is 18, decides to post a photo of himself. Alright. I can follow that. But he wants to take a picture of himself with his back and butt to the camera and he's pulling down his pants to show off his butt.
What is that saying?
He's not mooning the camera, though some outlets have called it "mooning."
Mooning is when, for example, you're in high school and someone rolls down the car window and you pull your pants down and stick your ass out the window.
I never did that. I had girlfriends who did it as I drove.
I never saw the point in mooning.
So maybe I'm missing Justin's point?
(I can't call him "Bieber." He's flashed his ass, I think that makes us on first name basis.)
But what I'm seeing is something that strikes me as presenting.
He's only 18 but he is aware how sex works, right?
Because what exactly is he asking for in that photo?
Someone to, in Chris Rock's words, toss his salad (basically eat him out -- but rear instead of vagina)?
Someone to smack his butt a few times? Give him a hard spaking?
Or is he, and this is what the whole body language screams to me, asking for something to be inserted?
That could be a man inserting his penis up Justin's butt or it could be a woman inserting a dildo (or using a strap-on).
I'm just confused as to what he thought the photo would say.
It had the achieved effect -- he passed Lady Gaga today on Twitter -- he has more followers than she does.
And here we are talking about his exposed butt and not his mother's anti-choice, anti-abortion film.
But what was he really trying to say?