We get e-mails.

Our e-mail address is thirdestatesundayreview@yahoo.com.
There are many topics in last week's e-mails and let's grab a TV one first. Several of you want us to know that Unforgettable is slated to return to CBS this coming summer. May 27th, Ava and C.I. wrote:
On top of losing a program they really did need, they cut a show with ratings ABC, NBC and Fox would have killed for. When they realized they'd be cutting the hit show Unforgettable (the decision was known in April), they should have instead made it a summer series and asked the show to go into immediate production for those episodes. Over ten million viewers every week is nothing to sneeze at. And a network willing to cut a show with that many viewers is one suffering from hubris and one soon to find the ground kicked out from beneath it.
So what's going on? Well, it has been referenced here a few times by Jim. But it's been cut when mentioned. So we've got it noted now. CBS is planning to bring it back as a summer show. (That could change if they need to fill a slot mid-season. In which case, the show would return earlier than expected.)
Still TV. Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man; Marcia of SICKOFITRDLZ; and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub are known collectively as "The Whitney Bloggers." Inspired by Ava and C.I.'s "TV: The perverts still drool over Shirley Temple," Betty, Marcia and Ann decided a bunch of women-hating gas bags would not have the last word or be able to kill off a program with their lies with a real fight on their hands. So they focused on NBC's Whitney and saving it. And they were supposed to return to the Whitney beat tomorrow.
They won't be.
NBC has jerked Whitney and Community around. Both were supposed to return last Friday with new episodes. Neither did. Whitney return in November on Tuesday nights. They'll return to covering it then.
That's not the top ten on TV but let's go to the biggest issue: Complaints about the lack of entertainment TV coverage. "Look," wrote Alice Pownall speaking for many, "Ava and C.I. illuminate things from a debate that I miss. I love their political coverage. But it's October and they've yet to review one entertainment show. Already NBC has taken the axe to one sitcom. When will Ava and C.I. address entertainment?"
Kind of this week?
They won't be surprised when I bring this issue up to them. It's nothing that they don't feel as well. Jim's asked for political coverage because it's an election year. They'd rather be exploring sitcoms or something fun. They've finished this week's piece. It does look at the debate. By way of Saturday Night Live. It also tackles this season's trend (the woman lost her job!) and weighs in on The Middle, New Girl and Up All Night. Tomorrow night is the last of the three presidential debates. That should mean that they can cover other topics. They want to. Based solely on conversations I've overheard, they could tell you what works and what doesn't with Mob Doctor today, they could cover The Neighbors, Partners, Arrow and so much more.
We could stay on TV forever, but let's move to other topics in the mailbag. Rex is one of our readers who feel we blew it by recommending a product with olestra (Pringles) and at the same time feels we really need to do "more TESR Test Kitchens." We have one this edition.
Rex feels "From The TESR Test Kitchen" offers some "much needed variety."
Rex's e-mail came in on Tuesday and we did try to put in a bit more to the mix than usual. But there are also editions that are theme editions. If it's not a theme, we should always provide a bit of a mix. Politics is only one thing we cover.
We're also doing an idiot of the week piece due to e-mail requests though, honestly, if Mike had done one at his site last week, we'd probably have skipped it. He brought that to this site as a feature. When we began dropping the ball he made it a feature at his site.
Lauren e-mailed to ask if we'd forgotten that with "The Bionic Woman Season Three" we promised to go backwards and review all the seasons? No, we haven't forgotten. We are working on that currently. And there will be three articles, not two. We'll end up with four articles. If that confuses you, you'll have to wait and see what's in store.